Mycoplasma Protocols - PDF Free Download (2024)

1 Introduction Roger J. Miles and Robin A. J. Nicholas The term “mycoplasmas” is used to describe members of the genus Mycoplasma and, more generally, of the classA4oZZicute.s. The study of mollicutes is frequently referred to as “mycoplasmology,” and those who work with mollicutes as “mycoplasmologists.” This has presumably arisen because work with mollicutes is generally carried out in specialist laboratories and by personnel whose scientific interests are predommantly or exclustvely associated with these organisms. There are many regional organizations as well as a long-standing international organization for mycoplasmology. Such distinction is not normally afforded to the study of specific bacterial groups. However, the common bond that draws together those working on diverse aspects of mollicutes and their biology is the technical difficulty of work with the organisms. Mollicutes are characterized by the absence of a cell wall and their small genome size and structural simplicity. Since they lack a cell wall, they are osmotically fragile and pleomorphic. The small genome size (5 mm If a zone of inhibition is not visible by eye, examme under a plate microscope for signs of inhibition, or a gradual thinning out of the number of colonies or reduction in the size of colonies around the well. Examme daily for 7 d. 2. If no inhibition is seen with the culture with normal range of sera, try epr-immunofluorescence test (Chapter 14).

3.4. Metabolic Inhibition Test 3.4.1. Cell Adaptation to Test Media The mycoplasmas must be able to grow in the test medium producing a satisfactory pH change or reduction of tetrazolium (see Note 4). It may be necessary to adapt the organisms to each medium by subculturmg two or three times. Mycoplasmas with special nutritional requirements can be tested on media containing fresh guinea pig serum (see Note 5). 1. Mix 1 mL of each culture with 1 mL of the suitable test medium, and incubate at an appropriate temperature for 24-96 h.

Serological /den tifica tion


2. Transfer the cultures every 24-72 h in the test medium (200 pL into 2 mL) until there is complete adaptation to the medium. 3. Inoculate a batch of test medium with the last subculture, and incubate until the logarithmic phase of growth. Divide the broth culture into 1-mL aliquots, and store at -8O’C. One aliquot can be used to determine the number of color-changing units (CCU), and the others for the subsequent metabolic inhibition test.

3.42. Determination

of Numbers of CCU

1. Prepare serial lo-fold dilutions using 10 tubes with 1.8 mL of test medium Add 0.2 mL from a vial with broth culture to the first tube, and continue the serial dilutions until lo-lo. Use fresh plpet tips for each step, and mix the dilutions on a vortex mixer. 2. Add 50 & of each dilution to the wells in the microtiter plate and mix with 150 pL of the test medium to produce a total volume of 0.2 mL. Also add 200 & of test medium to four uninoculated wells as a control 3. Cover the plate, and incubate at an appropriate temperature (see Note 6) 4 Read the results dally for the appearance of a red precipitate or for the change of color in the medium The highest dilution of antigen at which color change IS detected contains one CCU (CCU/SO pL).

3.4.3. Metabolic Inhibition Test 1. Prepare the antigen dilution containing 100-l 000 CCU/SO pL 2. Add 25 pL of test medium to each well of the microtiter plate using a multichannel plpet. 3. Add 25 pI. of each serum to be tested to the first wells (Al-Gl) and 25 & of healthy rabbit serum to the well Hl (serum negative control) 4. Prepare twofold serial dllutlons of sera with the multlchannel pipet, transferring 25 pL into all 10 wells in the series. 5. Add 50 pL of the appropriate dilution of antigen with a multichannel pipet up to the 1 lth well m each series (These wells serve as antigen controls ) 6 Add 125 pL of test medium with the multichannel pipet up to the 1 lth well m each setles. 7. Add 175 & of test medium with the multichannel pipet up to the 12th well m each series. (These wells serve as medium controls.) 8. Cover the plate, and incubate at an appropriate temperature. 9. Read the test when the media contained in the wells that serve as antigen controls have changed approx 0.5 pH units, or a red precipitate can be observed on the bottom of the wells. The titer of the serum 1srecorded as the highest dllutlon that prevents a color change in the medium.

4. Notes 1. There are several variations on the basic test. The one described here mvolves placing antiserum m wells cut m the agar, which has the advantage of producing

Poveda and Nicholas


3. 4.



larger zones of inhibition and enables refillmg; a process somettmes necessary with poorly immunogenic isolates. However, it is rather generous with the sera. A more economtcal approach 1s to apply approx 30 pL of sera to stenle filter paper disks of 6 mm m diameter in an empty Petri dish; after drying, the disks can be stored m sterile containers at 4’C for many months. An alternattve techmque to the “running drop” is to flood the whole plate with the culture and then removmg the excess. The disks can then be applied to the dried plates allowing 2 cm2 of surface area for each disk. The growth inhibition test IS the preferred serologtcal test. However, because of strain variatton, the ept-mnnunofluorescence test is more often used with avian and porcine mycoplasmas Another disadvantage of the growth inhibition test 1s the need to adapt the cultures to growth on solid media Rapidly growing cultures can sometimes overwhelm the inhibitory effects of the antiserum. Using higher dilutions or mcubatmg cultures at lower temperatures (e.g., 22-30°C) may be useful. In cases where the test will be carried out in tetrazolmm-MI test medium, the mycoplasma must be able to reduce tetrazolmm aerobically This reaction can be intensified by including 0 1% sodium thyoglycolate m the test medium. It is also important to culture the mycoplasmas under mvestigatton m liquid standard medium without tetrazolium to prevent the appearance of precipitates than can interfere with the reading of the test. Mycoplasmas with special nutritional requirements can be tested on media containing fresh guinea pig serum (1% final concentration) with the appropriate substrates: glucose (O.l%), arginine (OS%), urea (O.l%), or tetrazolium (0.02%) mcorporating phenol red (0.002%). Phenol red 1s not added to tetrazolium medium. This procedure can be followed successfully for: spiroplasmas m modified SP4 medium, porcine mycoplasmas in modified Frns medium, and Mycoplasma synovlae m modified FM4 medium Although for normal culture the plates are usually incubated in a moist atmosphere at 37”C, best results for the metabolic inhtbttton test are achieved when the incubation temperature is reduced to 30°C espectally for mycoplasmas, such as Mycoplasma mycoldes subsp mycoides LC type or Mycoplasma caprlcolum subsp. capricolum. Other Investigators reduce the incubation temperature to 32°C for spiroplasmas and 30°C for acholeplasmas

References I. Subcommittee on the Taxonomy of Mollicutes. (1995) Revised munmum standards for description of new species of the class Mollxutes (Division Tenerrcutes). Int J Syst. Bactenol. 45,605-612 2. Robertson, J A. and Stenke, G. W (1979) Modified metabolic mhtbmon test for serotypmg strains of Ureaplasma urealytlcum J Clan Mlcrobrol 9,673-676. 3. Williamson, D. L , Tully, J. G , and Whttcomb, R. F (1979) Serologtcal relationships of spiroplasmas as shown by combined deformatton and metabolic mhtbitton tests. Int J Syst. Bacterial. 29, 345-35 1,

Serological Identification


4. Taylor-Robinson, D. (1983) Metabolism inhibition tests. Methods Mycoplasmol 1,411417. 5. Nicholas, R A. J., Greig, A., Baker, S., Ayling, R. D., Heldtander, M , Johansson, K. E., et al. (1998) Isolation of’Mycoplasma fermentans from a sheep. Vet Ret 142, 220,22 1

13 Identification of Mycoplasmas by Dot lmmunobinding on Membrane Filtration (MF Dot) FranGois Poumarat 1. Introduction The definitive identification of mycoplasmas is usually based on serological procedures, including growth inhibition (1,2), metabolic mhibition (3,4), immunofluorescence (5-7), and immunobinding assays(8-14). The technique most commonly adopted for the routine identification of mycoplasma species isolated from clinical material is, at present, the immunobindmg assay involvmg either broth culture (12,14), mycoplasma colonies on agar plates, or the imprints of colonies (S-13). Several procedures with polyclonal or monoclonal antibodies (MAb) have been described. All these assay systems are based on the detection of mycoplasma surface antigens, which are believed to be highly specific. At present, mxnunobindmg assays are the most reliable tests for mycoplasma identification, but specificity and sensitivity can be affected m certain circumstances. Shared antigens between some spectes can lead to crossreactions, although the use of specific MAbs can greatly improve specificity. However, recently it has become apparent that many mycoplasma species are able to undergo high-frequency surface antigenic variation (15-18). In practical terms, this peculiarity has two main consequences: first, many mycoplasma species may be anttgenically highly heterogeneous, so that the selection of reagents, including MAb, which are simultaneously specific and representative of all antigenic variants within the species, is difficult.; second, the usual laboratory practice involving filter cloning and propagation by subcultivation of randomly selected agar-grown subpopulations may result in rapid antigenic drift of the reference strains, as has already been proven. From Methods m Molecular Brology, Vol. 104 Mycoplasma Protocols E&fed by R J Mtles and A A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa,




Since the number of mycoplasma spectes is increasing, each isolate has to be tested with several sera for complete identification and rmmunobmding assays mvolvmg mycoplasma colonies, or imprints of colonies, are becommg highly laborious. hnmunobindmg assays using polyclonal antibodies with broth culture bound onto mtrocellulose paper, on the other hand, can be affected by a high level of background staining. The technique of dot immunobinding on membrane filtration m mrcroplates (MF dot) (14) ehmmates background staining problems and offers further advantages over other tests, such as practicality, rapidity, ready standardization, and the possrbrhty of treating many samples

against several serasimultaneously. MF dot nnmunobinding test is described here. MF dot rmmunobmding IS performed with special 96-well microplates whose well bottoms

are made of a durapore 0.22+m


filter (low-

protein affinity). These plates allow the removal of well fluids by vacuum filtration. In this way, mycoplasmas are separated from broth media by trapping them on the filtratron membranes, membrane are easily removed.

and the broth proteins that do not bmd to the The membranes are then incubated with

hyperm-mune rabbit sera. The unbound mnnunoglobulins (IgG) are removed by filtration as above, and the bound antibodies are detected by means of an enzyme-conjuguated antirabbit IgG. MF dot nnmunobindmg IS an easy and reliable test for the identification of mycoplasmas, but in light of the high rate of surface antigemc variability occurring in many mycoplasmas, criteria must urgently be defined for the standardization of mycoplasma strains and dragnostic antisera to ensure that reproducible results can be obtained m different laboratories.

2. Materials 1 2. 3 4. 5 6 7.

8. 9.

96-Well plates (mrllrtiter GV 0 22-pm durapore, Mlllipore) Vacuum holder (Milhtiter, Milhpore). Vacuum pump with manometer TBS: 6 057 g Tris, 11.688 g NaCl, in 1 L distilled Hz0 adjusted to pH 7.4 with HCl. Store at +4”C, and use within 15 d. Washing buffer (TBS-T). Freshly prepared TBS containmg 0.05% of Tween 20. Blocking solution (TBS-B): Freshly prepared solutron of 10% normal horse serum in TBS filtered through 0.45 pm Rabbit hypermnnune sera for the various mycoplasma species: Store lyophrltzed for long-term use and in 10 pL-20 pL aliquots at -2O“C for short-term experrments. Do not freeze and thaw each ahquot more than four times. Conjugate: aftimty-Isolated swine annrabbit IgG conjugated to horseradish peroxrdase (HRP) diluted in TBS-B to a predetermmed optimum concentration. Color reagent: 3,3’ diaminobenzidme tetrachloride (DAB) m powder (C12H14N4, 4 HCl). DAB is unstable and light-sensitive, store dry at -20°C and replace frequently (harmful by mhalatron and contact wrth skin; a possible carcinogen).

Dot lmmunobinding


10. Enzyme substrate: H,O, 30%, store at 4°C m a large volume, light-sensitive 11. Substrate solution. dissolve 25 mg DAB m 50 mL TBS and then add 50 pL H,O, Freshly prepare

3. Methods 1 Before use, wash the plates once with TBS-T and then three times with TBS without mcubation. After each wash, remove the flutds by applymg a vacuum, and after the last rinse, remove any drops on the plate bottom with disposable tissues 2. Use broth mycoplasma cultures without any preparation. Pipet the mycoplasma cultures to be identified and the reference cultures m 200~pL aliquots/well (see Notes 1 and 2). Usually, 12 cultures/plate and l/column are tested. Filter the well contents by vacuum suction, and remove any drops on the plate bottom with tissue. 3 Add blocking solution m 200~pL aliquots/well and leave for 30 mm of incubation with slow agitation. Filter the well contents as in step 2, and remove any drops on the plate bottom. 4 Dispense rabbit hyperimmune sera, and diluted in TBS-B, in 200~pL ahquots/ well (see Note 3) Cultures to be identified are usually tested againts eight sera, l/line After 30 min of mcubation with slow agitation, remove the fluids by vacuum filtration. Wash the wells by filtration, three times with TBS-T and once with TBS Each wash lasts 5 mm Remove any drops on the plate bottom 5. Dispense HRP labeled antirabbit IgG diluted m TBS-B m 2009.L aliquots/well. After 30 mm of incubation with slow agitation, remove the well contents by filtration. Wash the wells by filtration, three times with TBS-T and once with TBS. Each wash lasts 5 min. Remove any drops on the plate bottom. 6 Add the developing solution in 200 pL aliquots/well A reddish coloration appearing on the membrane filter within 1 min is the sign of a positive reaction, When the reaction is complete, wash the plate with distilled water (without filtration), and examme before drying (see Note 4).

4. Notes 1. MF dot is specific, but not very sensitive. Sensitivity varies from 104-10’ mycoplasmas/well depending on the hyperimmune serum used and mycoplasma species tested (14). To avoid false-negative reactions, only cultures in which growth turbidity can be visually detected should be used. A 0. l-pm durapore filtration membrane must be used for ureaplasma serotyping because of the smaller cell size of this species. 2. The blocking of well filters occasionally occurs during the first step of vacuum filtration. There are two main causes: (a) the high density of the cultures of certain fast growing molhcutes (e g., Acholeplasma latdlawii). These cultures should be diluted before use from l/2 to l/10; (b) precipitate m the broth medium or cell remains from the sample These must to be eliminated by filtration through a 0.80~pm filter before use. A clear broth medium should always be used for cul-



ture, and vacuum depression should never exceed 40 to -60 kPa for more than 2 mm, or the filtration membranes may be distorted 3. The quality of the hypertmmune sera strongly affects the results. Many preparative techniques have been proposed, and the the following procedure has proven to be reltable Hyperimmune sera are produced tn rabbits, because the absence of a natural mycoplasma flora makes the rabbit highly suitable for the production of specific mycoplasma antisera The mycoplasma culture tn late log phase is centrifuged at 10,OOOg for 45 mm, washed, and sedimented three times m PBS, pH 7 4, and resuspended m PBS to obtain a final concentration close to lO*O mycoplasmas/mL. Aluminum hydroxide gel is used as adjuvant. Immumzatton is performed as follows at d 0 and 2, lo5 mycoplasmas are inoculated intravenously and lo5 intraperitonealy with adjuvant, at d 4, lo8 mycoplasmas are inoculated subcutaneously with adJuvant; at d 6 and 8, 10 lo are inoculated intramuscularly with adjuvant at six sites. Blood samples are obtained regularly from d 15 onward to test specificity and senstttvtty of the sera by MF dot. As soon as working titres of l/1500 to l/2500 are obtained, the rabbits are bled. Higher titers have to be avoided, since problems of background staining may occur beyond dilutions of l/5000. 4 Interpretation: always include a reference strain as a technical control. Deterioratton of the color reagents or enzyme substrate is the most common cause of failure (see conservation of these solutions). MF dot immunobinding, like all serological identification tests, 1s only qualitative. Owing to the high rate of vartabibty of the surface antigens in many species, reaction intensity varies from strain to strain, even with equal numbers of mycoplasmas m the broths. A positive reaction toward two or more hyperimmune sera may occur with some field isolates In most cases, this does not result from technical problems, but from crossreactions or species mrxtures The causes may be: a. “Classical” crossreactions between reference strains The homologous reaction 1s usually stronger than the heterologous one, m this case, MAb must be used; b. “Occastonal” crossreactions A few field strains appear to be antigemcally mtermediate between different reference strains. This presents a real problem m certain mycoplasma groups, such as m the ‘Mycoplusma mycozdes cluster” (19); c. Mixed cultures of mycoplasma species frequently occur, especially in samples from respiratory tract. Mixed cultures cannot be dtstingmshed from crossreactions m theory. In practice, however, crossreacttons and mixtures do not mvolve the same species, but only mmmnobmdmg on colonies obtained according to appropriate procedures (14) will allow detinitive conclusions to be drawn.

References 1. Clyde, W. A. (1964) Mycoplusma species. Identification bitton by specific anttserum. J. Immunol. 92,958-965.

based upon growth mhr-

Dot lmmunobinding


2 World Health Organization (1976) “The Growth Inhibition Test” Working Document. VHP/MIV/76.7 Workmg Group of the FAO/SHO. Programme on comparattve mycoplasmology WHO, Geneva, pp l-l 1. 3. Taylor-Robmson, D., Purcell, R. H., Wong, D. G., and Chanock, R. M. (1966) A color test for the measurement of antibody to certain mycoplasma spectes based on the inhibition of acid production. J. Hyg 64,9 l-l 04. 4. World Health Orgamzation (1975) “The Metabolism Inhibitton Test” Working Document VHP/MIC/75 6 Workmg Group of the FAO/WHO Programme on comparative mycoplasmology WHO, Geneva, pp. l-10. 5 Del Giuidice, R. A., Robillard, N. F , and Carski, T R. (1967) Immunofluorescence identification of mycoplasma on agar by use of incident illummatton. J Bacterial. 93, 1205-I 209. 6. Gardella, R. S., Del Guidice, R. A., and Tully, J. G. (1983) Immunofluorescence, in Methods w Mycoplasmology, vol. I. Mycoplasma Characterlzatlon (Razm, S and Tully, J. G., ed.), Academic, New York, pp. 431-439. 7 Rosendal, S and Black, F T (1972). Direct and indirect mununofluorescence of unfixed and fixed mycoplasma colonies. Acta. Path01 Mwobiol &and. 80,6 15-622 8. Bencina, D and Bradbury, J M (1992) Combination of nnmunofluorescence and tmmunoperoxidase for serotypmg mixtures of Mycoplasma species J Clin Microblol 30,407-4 10. 9. Bradbury J. M. and Mac Clenaghan, M. (1982) Detection of mixed Mycoplasma species J Clan Microbtol 16,314-318. 10. Brown, M. B , Gionet, P , and Semor, D. F. (1990) Identification of Mycopasma fells and Mycoplasma gatae by an nnmunobmdmg assay.J Clin Mlcroblol 28,1870--l 873. 11. Imada, Y., Nonomura, I., Hayashi, S., and Tsurubuchi, S. (1979) Immunoperoxidase technique for identification of Mycoplasma galllseptlcum and M synowae

Nat1 Inst Anlm Health Q 19,40-46

12. Kotani, H. and MacGarrity, G J (1986) Identification of mycoplasma colonies by immunobinding J Clrn Microbial 23, 783-785. 13. Polak-Vogelzang, A. A., Hagenaars, R., and Nagel, J (1978) Evaluation of an indirect immunoperoxidase test for identification of Acholeplasma and Mycoplasma

J Gen. MwrobloE


14. Poumarat F., Pet-tin B., and Longchambon, D. (1991) Identificatton of ruminant mycoplasmas by dot immunobmding on membrane filtration (MF dot). Vet. Microbial.


15. Rosengarten, R. and Wise, K. S. (1990) Phenotypic switchmg in mycoplasmas: phase variation of diverse surface lipoproteins. Science 247,3 15-3 18. 16. Rosengarten, R. and Yogev, D (1996) Variant colony surface antigemc phenotypes within mycoplama strain populattons: tmplicanons for species identification and strain standardtzation. J. Clin. Microbial 34, 149-158. 17. Wise, K. S., Yogev, D., and Rosengarten, R. (1992) Antigemc variation, in Mycoplasmas* Molecular Bzology and Pathogenesis (Mamloff, J., McElhaney, R N., Finch, L. R., and Baseman, J. B., eds ), American Society for Microbtology, Washington, DC, pp. 473-490



18 Wise, K. S. (1993) Adaptatlve Microbloi

surface variation

m mycoplasmas



19. Poumarat, F., Longchambon, D., and Martel, J L. (1992) Application of dot immunobinding on membrane filtration (MF dot) to the study of relatlonshlps wlthm ‘M mycozdes cluster” and wlthm “glucose and argmme-negative cluster” of ruminant mycoplasmas. Vet Microblol. 32,375-390

14 Identification of Mycoplasmas by lmmunofluorescence Janet M. Bradbury 1. Introduction Immunofluorescence has been used as a diagnostic tool for identificatton of mycoplasmascultured on artificial medium and also for detection of the organisms zn situ in infected hosts and for detection of contaminated cell cultures. The technique has been used in research investigations to locate mycoplasmas m pathogenicity studies in both animals and in organ cultures, and it is also one of the recommended serological testsfor the characterizationof new speciesofMoZlicutes (I). Another diagnostic application of immunofluorescence is the detection of mycoplasma antibodies (21, but the topic falls outside the scope of this chapter. Immunofluorescence offers an excellent and reliable means of identifying mycoplasmas, provided that good reagents and appropriate controls are used, and the operator has some experience in interpretation. A primary requirement is a supply of high-quality polyclonal antisera specific for each mycoplasma species of interest. The surface antigens of the organisms are generally spectesspecific and are the main targets for immunofluorescence (3,4). However, recent work has suggested that some mycoplasmas exhibit variation in expression of their surface epitopes (5). Therefore, this suggeststhat monoclonal antibodies (MAb) should be used with caution for species identification, unless there is good evidence that the epitope in question is permanently expressed in all strains. The complex relationships between the organisms in the so-called Mycoplasma mycoides cluster (6) can present special difficulties in identification by routine methods such as immunofluorescence, and m such cases, the use of MAb may offer an advantage (7). Immunofluorescence testscan be carried out by the direct or indirect method. For the direct method, antiglobulins prepared against each mycoplasma species From Methods m Molecular Brology, Vol 104 Mycoplasma Protocols Edlted by R J Miles and R A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa,





of interest are first conjugated wtth a suitable fluorochrome. The conjugates are applied, appropriately diluted, to the unidentified mycoplasma (antigen) and, after suitable incubation and washing procedures, the reaction 1s examined by mrcroscope under UV rllumination. A specific antigen-antibody reaction is revealed by fluorescence of the sample owing to the presence of attached antibody with fluorochrome. Fluorochromes, such as fluorescem rsothrocyanate and tetramethylrhodamine isothiocyanate, which show different colors on excitation, can allow detectron of two different target species in one preparation. Moreover, the test can be combined with nnmunoperoxidase staining for detection of up to three components (8). Detailed descriptions of the direct test (91, and of the conjugation procedure for antisera can be found m the literature (9,IO). For the indirect mnnunofluorescence test, antisera prepared against the mycoplasma species in question are first applied to samples of the specimen, and any bound antibodies are then detected by adding a conjugated antlglobulin to the host providing the antiserum. Although it involves an extra step, the indirect test is more convenient than the direct test for general diagnostic use because only one fluorescent conjugate 1srequired. A sultable conjugate (e.g., goat antirabbit immunoglobin (IgG) conjugated with fluorescem isothiocyanate) can be purchased without difficulty. The indirect test for identifying mycoplasma colonies znsztu is the method described in detail m this chapter. Specimens from direct or indirect tests can be viewed by either incident or transmitted UV light, but the former (also called “epiillumination”) tends to give brighter fluorescence with less background reaction. When identifying clinical isolates by immunofluorescence, it is often possible to detect pathogenic mycoplasma species,even when they are mixed with faster-growing nonpathogens (II). A similar technique can be used for innnunoperoxldase staining, and this obviates the need for an expensive fluorescence microscope, but it is generally easier to elucidate the components of mixed cultures using immunofluorescence. These tests offer an advantage over growth inhibition or metabolism inhibition tests that require a pure culture and that may fail to detect the pathogen if the wrong colony is selected from a mixture. Another advantage of immunofluorescence and nnmunoperoxrdase tests is that results can be obtained in half a day instead of the several days needed for the inhibition tests. In addition to a descriptton of indirect lmmunofluorescence for identlfying mycoplasma colonies, a method is given below for detecting mycoplasmas in infected tissues after cryostat sectioning. In the absence of a cryostat, a paraffin-embedding method using ethanol as a fixative can be tried (12), but its suitability for detecting the mycoplasma antigens of interest needs to be established.


Identification by lmmunofluorescence

The use of immunofluorescence for detection of mycoplasma contaminants in cell culture is described in Chapter 24. Useful basic information on fluorescent protein tracing techniques and preparation of appropriate reagents can be found in a number of publications (13,14). 2. Materials 1, Test samples: mycoplasma isolates are preferably colonies on mycoplasma agar (11,15), although colony impressions on microscope slides have also been used (16), as have smears of centrifuged broth cultures (see Note 1). Tissues may be examined by cryostat sectioning of small snap-frozen samples or by staining of impression smears (see Note 2). 2. Control cultures: A reference stram (see Note 3) of each mycoplasma species under test should be prepared in the same manner as the test sample. An unrelated species should be prepared as a negative control culture 3. Antisera: Hugh-titered polyclonal antimycoplasma seraprepared in a suitable host (see Note 4) should be aliquoted and stored at -20°C. Sera at their appropriate working dilutions in phosphate-buffered sahne (PBS) can be stored at -20°C for approx 6 mo. 4. Conjugate. Fluorescein-conjugated antiglobulin to the host species providmg the anttserum. Affinity-purified products can be purchased. 5. “Normal” sera: These should be sera from an uninfected host of the species providing the antiserum. 6. PBS: 8.5 g/L NaCl, O.OlMphosphate, pH 7.1, but made up as a 10X concentrate and diluted with distilled water as required. 7. Fluorescence mtcroscope, preferably equipped with an epiillumination system, and fitted with suitable excitation and barrier filters for the fluorochrome in use (9,13). 8. Tube mixer (e.g., Rotator Drive STR4, Stuart Scientific Co. Ltd, Redhtll, UK). 9. For making cryostat tissue sections use embedding medium (OCT compound, Lab-Tek Products, Miles Lab. Inc , Naperville, IL). 10. Freezing mixture: for example, liquid nitrogen, or dry ice and tsopentane, m a Dewar flask. 11. Cryostat. 12. For washing microscope slides slide rack, beaker, and magnetic stirrer. 13. Nonfade mountant: for samples prepared on slides and mounted under coverslips, this mountant will enhance and extend the fluorescence (17). Prepare a solution of p-phenylenedramine containing 100 mg in 10 mL PBS. Add this to 90 mL glycerol and adjust pH to 8.0 with carbonate-bicarbonate buffer (0.5A4, pH 9.0). Store at -20°C in the dark.

3. Methods 3.1. Identification of Mycoplasma Colonies on Agar by the Indirect Fhorescent Antibody


1. The method described here is that of Rosendal and Black (15) with slight modifi-

cations.Selectareasof the agarthat show plentiful small, discrete colonies (see



4. 5.

6. 7.

Note 5), and cut into rectangular blocks (approx 10 x 5 mm) using a sterile scalpel blade. Cut the bottom right-hand corner off the block to help with subsequent orientation (see Note 6). Place the blocks colony-side-up on appropriately labeled mmroscope slides. The species to be targeted depends on the host from which the sample was taken. Always include a colony-bearmg block of a reference strain of each target species as a positrve control (to be tested with the homologous antiserum). Select also an unrelated species for use as a negative control with this antiserum Blocks bearing known positive, known negative, and the test colomes can be placed on one microscope slide so that the same antiserum IS used for all Place a further block of the test culture on a separate shde to act as a “normal” serum control. Add 20-25 pL of the appropriately diluted antiserum (see Note 7) to each block of the known postttve, known negative, and test colonies. Add normal serum, srmilarly diluted, to the other block of the test colonies. This ~111 serve as a test for any autofluorescence of the test colonies. Incubate shdes m a humid chamber for 30 min at room temperature (see Note 8). During the incubation, prepare and label a 12-mL test tube and rubber stopper for each agar block Dispense PBS to three-quarters of the capacity of each tube. Gently push each agar block into its appropriate tube, and wash by rotation on a tube mixer at approx 30 revolutions/min for 10 min at room temperature. Dram the PBS from each tube into a beaker of disinfectant The rubber stopper can be used to prevent the agar block from falling out of the tube. Refill each tube with PBS, and wash for a further 10 min (see Note 9). Drain again, and replace each block onto its original microscope shde. Allow to dry for 5 min. Add 20-25 I.IL diluted comugate (see Note 7) to every block including all the controls. Incubate, wash twice, and replace blocks on slides as above Examine the blocks by incident UV light (see Note 10).

3.2. Identification of Mycoplasmas in Tissues Using the Indirect Fluorescent



1 Prepare the chosen freezmg mixture, and have ready a small vessel containing OCT compound for each tissue to be taken (see Note 11). 2 Submerge a small piece of the selected tissue m the OCT compound, avoldmg the production of air bubbles. 3. Freeze the OCT-containing tissue unmedrately by lowermg the vessel slowly mto the freezing mtxture For storage, place each frozen sample m an airtight container, such as a self-sealing plastic bag, and hold at -70°C or lower. 4. Make cryostat sections of 4-5 pm by the standard technique. Enough sections should be cut from each tissue to provide replicate samples and suitable controls (see Note 12). 5. Air-dry the sections, and fix in acetone for 10 mm at room temperature 6 Cover the section with the appropriate antiserum at the predetermined dilution (see Note 7). Incubate for 30 mm at room temperature m a humid chamber (see Note 8).

Identification by lmmunofluorescence


7. Rinse the slide m two changes of PBS for 15 mm each time. 8. Add diluted conjugate (see Note 7) to cover the section, incubate, and wash as before. 9. Mount the section m nonfade mountant under a coverslip, and examine on the fluorescence microscope. Incident light illummatlon generally gives brighter fluorescence than transmitted hght.

4. Notes 1. Colonies in situ on agar plates are much preferred to colony impressions or broth deposits. Impressions and deposits require fixing with methanol or gentle heat, which may destroy some of the surface antigens. Furthermore, colomes, partlcularly unreactmg ones, are much easier to see if they are still intact 2. For clinical diagnosis, it is often preferable to isolate and identify the mycoplasmas rather than to examine tissues or smears, in which it can be difficult to dlstmguish the tiny organisms from debris and other artifacts that may also fluoresce under UV light. Furthermore, the necessary uninfected control tissue or smear may not always be available. Possible exceptions are the detectron of M mycoldes subsp. mycozdes in the lungs of cattle with contagious bovine pleuropneumoma (18) and ofMycoplasma hyopneumoniae in lungs of pigs wrth enzootic pneumonia (19) Successful detection of early Mycoplasma pneumonlae infection in human respiratory exudates using mdlrect unmunofluorescence has also been described (20). In experimental studies, the required control tissues or smears should be available, and the technique can be very useful for locating organisms, for example, on the mucosal surface of the respiratory tract and m organ cultures Tissue sections are generally preferred to smears. 3. Reference strains of many mycoplasma species are available for purchase through the recognized culture collections. 4. Antisera have been prepared in hosts, such as rabbits, goats, horses, and mules. For the indirect test, the choice of host may depend on the avallabihty of a suitable antiglobulin conjugate for that host. Methods of preparation are available m the literature (22). Antisera may also be available for purchase from recognized mycoplasma reagent collections. 5. Small discrete colonies are essential for good results, because overcrowded or overlarge colonies can give a very poor reaction. When selecting suitable areas of colonies, it is useful to indicate their location on the base of the Petri dish with a fiber-tip pen. 6. If the block is not rectangular, but square, or the comer is not cut off, there 1s no way of ensuring that the colonies are uppermost during the rest of the procedure, unless every block is examined under a microscope after each of the washing stages. 7. Appropriate dilutions of antiserum and conjugate must first be determined by checkerboard titration. The optimal dilutions should be determined for the system used (i.e., colonies or sections), since they will not necessarily be the same. 8. A simple humid chamber consists of an upside-down plastic sandwich box with a layer of moist paper towel or sponge placed m the lid.



9 To reduce the background fluorescence that sometimes occurs within the agar, the pro-

cedure can be interrupted at this stage and the blocks allowed to stand in the second PBS wash overnight at 4 “C (or for a mmimum of 2 h if results are needed urgently). 10 If incident light illumination is not available, it is possible to examine colomes using transmitted UV hght, but there may be unacceptably high background fluorescence within the agar. Improved results may be obtained by examining a thin slice off the top of the agar 11 A suitable small cylmdrical cup can be made by mouldmg an alummum foil cap around the blunt end of a pencil. For smaller tissues, a piece of card can be used 12. Suitable controls are an essential part of this technique, because it can be prone to spurious reactrons, particularly when polyclonal antisera are used Controls consist of: a. Uninfected (matching) tissue with antiserum and conjugate; b. Infected tissue with “normal” serum from same host as the antiserum and conjugate; and c. Infected tissue with conjugate.

References 1. Whitcomb, R. F , Tully, J. G., Bove, J. M., Bradbury, J. M., Christtansen, G , Kahane, I., Kirkpatrick, B. C., Laigret, F., Leach, R. H., Neimark, H. C , Pollack, J. D , Razin, S., Sears, B. B., and Taylor-Robinson, D (1995) Revised minimal standards for description of new species of the class Mollicutes (division Tenertcutes). Int J. Syst. Bacterial. 45,605-6 12. 2. Taylor-Robinson, D. (1996) Microimmunofluorescence, m Molecular and Diagnostic Procedures tn Mycoplasmology, vol. II, Dtagnostic Procedures (Tully, J G. and Razin, S., eds.), Academic, San Diego, pp. 147-150. 3. Tully, J. G (1983) Introductory remarks, in Methods zn Mycoplasmology, vol. I, Mycoplasma Characterzzatton, (Razin, S. and Tully, J. G., eds.), Academic, New York, pp. 399,400. 4. Tully, J G. (1996) Introductory remarks, m Molecular and Dzagnostrc Procedures tn Mycoplasmology, Vol II, Diagnostic Procedures (Tully, J. G and Razm, S , eds.), Academic, San Diego, pp 89-91. 5 Rosengarten, R. and Yogev, D. (1996) Variant colony surface antigemc phenotypes within mycoplasma strain populations-implications for species identification and strain standardization. J. Clan. Mtcrobzol. 34, 149-158. 6 Cottew, G. S., Breard, A., DaMassa, A. J., Erno, H , Leach, R. H., Lefevre, P. C., Rodwell, A W , and Smith, G. R. (1987) Taxonomy of the Mycoplasma mycotdes cluster. Isr J Med. Sci. 23,632-635. 7. Belton, D., Leach, R. H., Mitchelmore, D. L., and Ruranguwa, F. R (1994) Serological specificity of a monoclonal antibody to Mycoplasma capricolum strain F38, the agent of contagious caprme pleuropneumonia. Vet. Rec. 134,643-646. 8. Bencma, D. and Bradbury, J. M. (1992) Combination of immunofluorescence and immunoperoxidase techniques for serotyping mixtures of Mycoplasma species. J. Clin. Microbtol.


Identification by lmmunofluorescence


9 Gardella, R S., DelGiudice, R. A., and Tully, J. G. (1983) Immunofluorescence, in Methods uz Mycoplasmology, vol. I, Mycoplasma Charactenzatzon (Razm, S and Tully, J. G., eds ), Academic, New York, pp. 43 l-439 10. Whitford, H. W., Rosenbusch, R. F., and Lauerman, L. H. (eds.) (1994) Mycoplasmas in Antmals Laboratory Dzagnosu. Iowa State University Press, Ames, pp. 149-151 11 DelGmdtce, R. A., Robillard, N. F., and Carski, T. R. (1967) Immunofluorescence identification of mycoplasma on agar by use of incident light illummatton. J. Bacterlol 93, 1205-1209. 12. Sainte-Marie, G. (1962) A paraffin embedding technique for studies employing nnmunofluorescence. J. Hutochem. Cytochem. 10,25&256. 13 Nairn, R. C. (1976) Fluorescent Protean Tracing, 4th ed Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh. 14 Harlow, E., and Lane, D. (1988) Antibodies: a Laboratory Manual Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, Cold Sprmg Harbor, NY. 15 Rosendal, S and Black, F T (1972) Direct and indirect immunofluorescence of unfixed and fixed mycoplasma colomes. Acta Pathol. Mxroblol Stand 80, 615-622. 16. Bradbury, J. M., Oriel, C. A., and Jordan, F T. W. (1976) Simple method for immunofluorescent identification of mycoplasma colonies. J Clan. Microbial. 3, 449-452.

17. Johnson, G. D. and ArauJo, G. M. (1981) A simple method of reducing the fadmg of immunofluorescence during microscopy J Immunol Methods 43,349-350 18. Trichard, C. J. V , Basson, P. A., Jacobsz, E. P., and van der Lugt, J J (1989) An outbreak of contagrous bovine pleuropneumoma m the Owambo Mangetti area of South West Africa/Namibia: microbiological, tmmunofluorescent, pathological and serological findings Onderstepoort J Vet Res 56,277-284. 19. Ross, R. F. (1992). Mycoplasmal diseases, m Diseases of Swine, 7th ed. (Leman, A. D., Straw, B. E., Mengelmg, W. L., D’Allaire, S , and Taylor, D J., eds.), Wolfe Publishing, Ames, pp. 537-55 1 20. Hnai, Y., Shtode, J., Masayoshi, T., and Kanemasa, Y. (1991) Application of an indirect nnmunofluorescence test for detection of Mycoplasma pneumonlae m respiratory exudates. J Clin Mlcrobiol 29,2007-2012. 21. Senterfit, L. B. (1983) Preparation of antigens and antisera, m Methods in Mycoplasmology, vol. I, Mycoplasma characterrzation (Razin, S. and Tully, J. G., eds.), Academic, New York, pp. 401-404.

15 Diagnostic Application of Monoclonal Antibody (MAb)-Based Sandwich ELlSAs Hywel J. Ball and David Finlay 1. Introduction The advantages of microtiter-based ELISAs in diagnostic techniques can be briefly summarized by the economic use of reagents and by the ease of then application to large numbers of test samples. ELISAs are widely applied to the serological diagnosis of both human and animal bacterial and mycoplasmal disease, but similar assaysfor the diagnostic detection of antigen rather than antibody are not as commonly used. Although many antigen-capture or sandwich ELISAs have been developed, their application has been largely confined to research. This is mainly owing to their limited sensitivity in comparison with standard culture techniques. This means that pre-enrichment is inevitably necessary before testing to achieve an acceptable sensitivity. The development of monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) has contributed additional advantages to ELISA methodology, by increasing the reproducibility of individual assayswith the availability of an unlimited supply of standardized reagents. In addition, the use of MAbs improves test specificity. For the detection and identification ofMycopZasma spp., this has particular advantages, since these organisms, despite well-documented problems with speciescrossreactivity and interference by nonspecific media components, are largely speciated by serological methods. The methods described in this chapter have been developed to improve the sensitivity of mycoplasma sandwich ELISAs for the detection of specific antigen for diagnostic purposes. The combination of enrichment with the ELBA capture stage, although it increases the test time, includes the necessary preenrichment conveniently in the same assay. The result is a diagnostic procedure, with the ELISA and MAb advantages listed above, with a sensitivity From. Methods m Molecular Biology, Vol. 104’ Mycoplasma Protocols Edrted by, R J Miles and R A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa,




Bail and Finlay

comparable to culture diagnosis. The approach has been successfully applied to the routme diagnosis of Mycoplasma bovis (I), and its application to strains of the Mycoplasma mycozdes cluster (2,3) and Mycoplasma galliseptxum (unpublished results) examined. 2. Materials 2.1. Purification

of MAb

1. 0.06MAcetate buffer: make up a solution of 0.817 g of sodmm acetate, adjust pH to 4.3 with 20% (v/v) glacial acetic acid, and make up to 100 mL. 2. Caprylic acid 3 O.OlMphosphate-buffered salme (PBS) 27 mL of solutton A (4.8 g NaH*PO, made up to 200 mL) and 73 mL of solution B (14.2 g Na2HP04 made up to 500 mL), plus 17 g NaCl; adJust pH to 7 2, and make up to 2000 mL.

2.2. Biotinylation

of MAb

1. O.lM Sodmm bicarbonate: 8.4 g NaHCOs made up to 1000 mL. 2. Biotm. 10 mg/mL (w/v) ammohexanoyl-btotin-N-hydroxysuccimmtde ethyl formamide (Cambridge Bioscience, Cambridge, UK, 004302) 3 O.OlM PBS, pH 7.2.

2.3. Sandwich

m dim-


1. 0 OSM Carbonate coating buffer* 10 mL of solution A (2 1 g Na$O, made up to 100 mL) and 40 mL of solution B (8.4 g NaHCOs made up to 500 mL); adjust pH to 9.5, and make up to 200 mL Store at +4”C, and adjust pH before use, if stored for longer than 3 d 2. OOlMPBS,pH to7 2. 3. Dilution buffer (PTN-phosphate buffer, Tween, and NaCl): 200 mL of PBS plus an additional 4 g NaCl and 400 & 20% (v/v) Tween 80 4. Wash fluid: 2000 mL of PBS plus 5 mL 20% (v/v) Tween 20. 5. Streptavidin peroxidase (Sigma S5512): Reconstttute at a dilution of 1 mg/5 mL distilled water, and store m small volumes at -70°C. 6. Substrate buffer: 24 mL citric acid solution (1.92 g made up to 100 mL) and 26 mL of solution B of PBS; adjust pH to 5.0, and make up to 100 mL. Store at +4”C, and adjust pH before use, if stored for longer than 3 d. 7. Substrate (per microtiter plate): 10 mL substrate buffer and 100 pL TMB/DMS (10 mg 3,3,5,5-tetramethyl-benzidine in 1 mL dimethyl sulfoxrde) and 10 p.L H202. Make up fresh before use. 8. Substrate stopper: 2.5 M H2S04. 9. Mycoplasma medium: Numerous medium formulas are available for the culture of mycoplasmas, the choice dependent to some extent on the species being assayed for. It is essential that antibiottcs are included in the medium to limtt bacterial growth. This laboratory uses ampicillin (100 pg/mL) and bacitracm (100 pg/mL) (see Note 1).

MAb-Oased ELISA 10. Test samples: Samples for mycoplasma culture are generally titrated in broth culture to dtlute out any nonspecific tissue mhlbitors and bacterial contammation. Samples, such as milk and joint fluid, are titrated directly; swabs are broken mto mycoplasma transport medium, or broth and tissue samples are homogenized in the same (approx 10% w/v).

3. Methods 3.7. Purification

of MA6

The immunoglobin (IgG) in ascites must be purified before use in a sandwich ELISA. to limit the nonspecific effects of the other contaminating serum proteins. A simple effective method of purification is by caprylic acid precipitatton (4), 1. Slowly add 2 vol of acetate buffer to 1 vol of ascites while stirring; adjust the pH to 4.6 with O.lMNaOH if necessary. 2 Slowly, over the course of 5 min, add 25 pL caprylic acid/ml of diluted ascites while stirrmg rapidly. 3 Leave for 30 min, stirring more slowly. 4 Centrifuge at 10,OOOg for 15 min; discard the precipitate and ignore any floating material, which normally settles out after dialysis. 5 Dialyze overnight in O.OlM PBS, pH 7.2, and discard any precipitate left after centrtnfugation at 10,OOOgfor 15 min.

3.2. Biotinylation

of MA6

Biotinylation of a MAb (5) enables mouse MAbs to be used on both sides of a sandwich ELISA; streptavidin conjugated to an enzyme IS used to link any of the biotinylated MAb binding to captured antigen, to the substrate. 1 Dialyze caprylic acid-purified IgG overnight against at least 100 volumes of 0.M NaFIC03 2. Calculate the protem concentration of the dialyzed solution by spectrophotometric measurement at 280 nm, and adjust to between 5 and 10 mg/mL with O.lMNaHCO,. 3. Add 1 vol of biotin to 25 vol of protein solution, and place on a mixing wheel for 1 h at room temperature. If the eventual test sensitivtty is poor, a senes of biotm:antibody ratios between 1:5 and 1:50 should be used. Low biotinylation can result in reduced sensitivity owing to the presence of nonbiotinylated antibody, and over biotinylation may grve a high level of nonspecific binding of the biotinylated antibody 4. Dialyze the biotinylated antibody against two changes of at least 100 volumes of 0.0 LMPBS.

3.3. Optin7izafion

of the Reagents

The MAbs are stored at -20°C, and can withstand freezing and thawing several limes without any loss of titer. They are, however, best stored in small volumes to reduce this risk. It is not possible to predict whether a combination of MAbs will be successful in a sandwich ELISA before expertmental trial.


Ball and Finlay

1. Using the sandwich ELISA protocol described below, carry out a checkerboard titration, with the purified coating MAb being diluted in one direction and the biotinylated MAb in the other. Reagents should be titrated from a 1: 100 dilution for the coating MAb and a 1:500 dilution for btotmylated MAb 2 Use an antigen that is reactive to both reagents when used as a coating in an ELISA 3. Use streptavidm peroxidase at a dilution of 1.2000 in PTN until the optimum dilutions of the MAb capture and biotinylated reagents have been established; then titrate it further to determine its optimum dilution. 4. Essential controls to detect nonspecific activity of the ELISA reagents consist of the omtssion of coating MAb, test sample, and both The missmg reagent should be replaced with a correspondmg volume of coating buffer or PTN 5. Reagent dilutions that give maximum sensitivity with minimum background are selected for further use

3.4. Sandwich ELBA Protocol 1. All ELISA reagents are used at 100 $/well except for the final additron of 50 p.L of H,SO, to stop the substrate reaction Positive and negative controls of an ELISA-specific mycoplasma stram and uninoculated mycoplasma broth, respectively, should be included m each microtiter plate used 2. Coat the microttter plate wells with the optimum dtlution of the purified capture MAb m 0.05M carbonate buffer, pH 9.5, this is done either overnight at +4”C or for 1 h at 37’C (see Note 2) 3. Wash the microtiter wells with SIX changes of PBS. 4. Divide the microttter plate lengthways mto quarters, so that four groups of eight rows containmg three wells each are created (see Note 3). 5 Add mycoplasma growth medium to the wells, add 10 pL of sample to the first well of each three well row, and titrate further to the remaining two wells of the row The sample addition and titration can be carried out by using changes of sterile microtiter pipet bps, or using a tip restenhzed by washmg in boiling water in an adJacent beaker. A multitip microtiter pipet can be conveniently used for the titrations. 6 Cover the microtiter plate with a transparent microplate sealer (Greiner Labortechnik Ltd., Dursley, Gloucester), and incubate at 37°C for 1-3 d (see Note 4) 7. Wash the microtiter wells with SIX changes of wash buffer 8 Add the optimum dilution of biotinylated MAb m PTN buffer, and incubate at 37°C for l-2 h. 9. Wash the microtiter wells with SIX changes of wash buffer 10 Add the optimum dilution of streptavidin-peroxidase m PTN, and incubate at 37°C for 1 h. 11. Wash the microtiter wells wrth SIX changes of wash buffer. 12. Add the substrate and incubate for 10-20 min at room temperature or at 37°C 13. When sufficient substrate reaction has occurred, with reference to the positive and negative controls, add 50 pL 2.5MH,SO,/well to stop the reaction (see Note 5). 14 Read the reaction on an ELISA mtcrottter plate reader at 450 nm.

MAb-Based EllSA


15. The result is calculated with reference to the negattve control; typically, absorbency values of more than three times the average negative control are regarded as positive.

4. Notes 1. The antibiotics are an essential selective inclusion m mycoplasma media used for culmre from dtagnosttc samples to limit contaminating bacterial growth. In particular, tt is necessary to prevent the growth of bacteria, like Staphylococcus aweus, which can nonspectfically bind immunoglobulins and give rise to falseposittve results in sandwich ELISAs. 2. It might be advisable to filter-sterilize the coating buffer before use if contamination problems are encountered during the combined capturelenrichmerit stage. Do not filter-sterilize the MAb dilution in coating buffer, since this will remove some of the MAb and sigmticantly affect the dilution and capture. 3. The division of the microtiter plate for applying the sample dilutions 1s arbttrary The one routinely used m this laboratory is described It IS possible that dilutions using two wells, or even single wells, are sufficient for screening large numbers m a preliminary survey. Little evidence of crosscontamination between samples m adjacent wells has been observed during the extended capture incubation stage in the protocol described here Care IS taken m avoidmg the creation of aerosols during the dilution process In a prolonged trial with the M. bovis ELISA, comparing the microtiter sample arrangement described m this chapter with another arrangement that left well spaces between each sample, no significant differences in results were obtained. 4 After mcubatton for the chosen time, selected wells, such as the lowest sample dilution showing indication of growth by color change or showing least indication of bacterial contamination, can be subcultured onto equivalent agar medium, before development of the ELISA This step would confirm any ELISA-posmve reactions, and enable culture and storage of any ELISA detected isolates In addition, it would demonstrate the presence of any Mycoplasma spp. that were not detectable by the ELISA 5. The reaction indicated by a color change is dependent on the concentratton of streptavidm-peroxidase remammg in each well, which in turn is dependent ultimately on the level of specific antigen captured. This makes the necessary substrate incubation time variable, but if the MAb reagent dilutions have been optimized adequately, this time should be between 10 and 20 mm. Since the negative control absorption reading is the reference point of each ELISA microtiter plate, as a general rule, the substrate incubation time should be limited to keep the negative control reading to below an absorption reading of 0 1.

References 1, Ball, H. J., Finlay, D., and Reilly, G. A. C. (1994) Sandwich ELISA detection of Mycoplasma bows m pneumonic calf lungs and nasal swabs. Vet, Ret 135,53 l-532.


Ball and Finlay

2. Rodriguez, F., Ball, H. J., Finlay, D., Campbell, D., and Mackie, D. P. (1996) Detection ofMycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides by monoclonal antibodybased sandwich ELISA. Vet. Microblol 51,69-76 3. Ball, H. J., Finlay, D., Rodriguez, F., and Mackie, D. P (1996) Diagnostic apphcation of monoclonal antibody-based sandwich ELISAs by combining enrichment with the capture stage. 1 lth International Congress of the International Orgamzation for Mycoplasmology. IOM Lett. 4,8 1. 4. McKmney, M. M. and Parkinson, A. (1987) A simple, non-chromatographic procedure to purify immunoglobulins from serum and ascites fluid. J Immunol. Methods 96,271-278. 5 Hofmann, K., Titus, G., Montibeller, J., and Finn, F. M. (1982) Avidm bmdmg of carboxyl-substituted biotin and analogues. Biochemzstry 21,978-984

lmmunohistochemical of Fixed Tissues


Eugenio Scanziani

1. Introduction Immunohistochemistry is a technique in which the specific interaction between an immunoglobulin and its homologous antigen is visualized on histological sections by a microscopically detectable label. Generally, the label consists of an enzyme, such as peroxidase, alkaline phosphatase, or glucose oxidase that reacts with an appropriate substrate-chromogen solution to produce a specific color at the site of reactton. Several mnnunohistochemical techniques have been developed and the most important are schematically represented in Fig. 1. In the direct method, the primary antibody is directly labeled with the enzyme. In the indirect method, an enzyme-labeled secondary antibody is directed against the immunoglobulin type of the animal species in which the primary antibody has been raised. Both methods have a relatively low sensitivity and are therefore not frequently used. The peroxidaseantiperoxidase (PAP) complex procedure is based on the immunological affinity of antibody and enzyme, and introduces an enzymeantibody immune complex as a third step of the reaction (I). Numerous enzyme molecules are then linked to each antigenic site, considerably increasing the sensitivity of this test. The avid%biotin complex (ABC) procedure is based on the high affinity of the egg-white glycoprotein avidin to the vitamin biotin (2). This affinity is considerably higher than that of antibody-anttgen linking. Moreover, avidin has four binding sites for biotin that can be easily conjugated with imrnunoglobulins and enzymes.

From Methods m Molecular Bjology, Vol 104’ Mycoplasma Protocols Edlted by R J Miles and R A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa,



Fig. 1. Schematic representation of immunohistochemical techniques. Direct method, indirect method, ([A] left to right) PAP complex procedure, ABC procedure ([B] left to right). A = avidin; B = biotin; C = substrate-chromogen; P = peroxidase.




Fixation and embedding procedures routinely used during histological processing can alter or destroy many antigens present in the tissues. For this reason, high sensitivity is the most important feature of an mununohistochemrcal method to be applied to a section of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue. PAP and ABC procedures are the methods of choice for this purpose. At the present time, owing to its sensitivity and versatility, the ABC method is the most commonly used immunohistochemical method and will therefore be described in this chapter. Immunohistochemtcal techniques are widely used for the demonstration of various substances, such as immunoglobulins, leukocyte antigens, enzymes, oncodevelopmental antigens, cell proliferatin markers, cell receptors, hormones, tissue specific antigens, and microorganisms ($4). It offers numerous advantages in the diagnosis and study of mycoplasma infections as well as other bacterial infections. It allows the simultaneous visualization of mycoplasma and its cellular/tissue localization, enabling detailed pathogenesis studies. The performance of an immunohistochemical test requires only a few days. It can detect mycoplasma antigen in the presence of degraded organisms or when endogenous or exogenous antimicrobial agents, such as antibiotrcs or antibodjes, can inhibit in vitro mycoplasma growth. It is performed on fixed tissue that does not need to be sent to the laboratory immediately and can be handled without specific precautions. The test is not significantly affected by bacterial contamination, which is an important complication in culturmg specimen for mycoplasma. Finally, it allows the preparation of permanent record enabling retrospective studies of archival material. Recent studies have shown the reliabihty of tmmunohtstochemical techniques for the specific identification of several mycoplasma species in histological sections of fixed tissues in human as well as m veterinary pathology. The occurrence of Mycoplasma fermentans infection in humans has been documented in several studies using mmmnohistochemical techniques (5). In veterinary pathology, immunohistochemistry has been used m the diagnosis and study of Mycoplasma hyorhinis infection in pigs (6) and in Mycoplasma gallisep,ticum, Mycoplasma gallmarum, and Mycoplasma gallinaceum infections in poultry (7,8). Immunohistochemical identification of the small colony form of Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies. mycoides (M. m mycoldes SC), the cause of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), has been carried out in the lungs of naturally infected cattle with polyclonal antibodies (9,10). The specificity of the method was demonstrated by the absence of crossreactivity in samples in which Mycoplasma bovis, Mycoplasma arginini, or other bacteria (Pasteurella multocida, Pasteurella haemolytica, Actinomyces pyogenes) were isolated. Immunohistochemistry was found to be more sensitive than the culture of the



mycoplasma (II). Moreover, mmmnohlstochemical studies demonstrated that in animals affected with CBPP the presence of A4. mycoides SC antigen 1snot restricted to the lungs, but also mvolves the thoraclc lymph nodes, the kidneys, the liver, and the muscular tissue (12). The reliablhty of a monoclonal antlbody- (MAb) based immunohlstochemical technique in the specific identification of members of the M mycozdes cluster and M. bovis in lung samples from cattle and goats has been reported (13). Other workers used a pool of three MAbs in an m-ununoperoxidase test that has been demonstrated to be reliable, sensitive, and specific in the visualization of A4 bovis antigen in formalmfixed, paraffin-embedded lung tissue from field cases of calf pneumonia (14).

2. Materials 1 Neutral buffered formahn, pH 7 0. 100 mL formalin (3740% formaldehyde solution),

900mL distilledwater,4 g acidsodiumphosphatemonohydrate,6.5g anhydrousdlsodium phosphate Neutral buffered formalin 1sstable for years at room temperature 2. Polylisine-coatedslides. Placemicroscopicslides in a plastic rack. Clean m 5% nitric acid for 4 h at room temperature.Washslidesunderrunning tap water for 4 h, and rmse in 10 changes of distilled water. Soak slides in a 0.01 solution of Poly-Llysme in distilled water for 1 h at room temperature. Rinse slides m two changes of distilled water for 5 min each, and then dry slides overnight at 37°C. Store slides in a dust-free box at room temperature. Poly-L-lysine solution can be reused if stored at -20°C. Ready-to-use polyhsme-coated slides are commercially available 3. Peroxidase inhlbition reagent: Add 1 mL of 30% hydrogen peroxide to 100 mL methanol. Reagent should be prepared each time Just before use. 4. O.O5MTns-HCl buffer, pH 7.6: Dissolve 6.1 g Trls m 100 mL of distilled water, add 37 mL of 1N hydrochloric acid, and add distilled water to a total volume of 1 L. For immunostaming, 2 L of Tris-HCl buffer are reqmred. Tris-HCl buffer should be prepared fresh each week Store at 4°C. 5 DAB peroxldase substrate solutlona Dissolve 5 mg of 3,3 diammobenzldme tetrahydrochloride (DAB) in 10 mL of 0.05M Tns-HCl buffer, pH 7 6 Filter and add 4 pL of 30% hydrogen peroxide. Solution should be prepared each time just before use. Note: DAB is a suspected carcinogen Handle with gloves in a fume cupboard, Avold contammation, use precautions, and dispose of properly. To avoid aerosol during weighing, use already weighed DAB tablets 6 Mayer’s hematoxylin. Dissolve 1 g hematoxylin and 50 g alummum potassium sulfate dodecahydrate m 500 mL of distilled water by heating. When the solution is cooled, add 50 mL of distilled water, in which 0.2 g sodium lodate has been dissolved, and 450 mL distilled water, in which 50 g chloralhydrate and 1 g cltrlc acid have been dissolved. Mayer’s hematoxylin 1s stable for years at room temperature. It can be reused several times until the intensity of staining decreases. 7. Primary antibodies. high-mered monospecific antiserum to mycoplasma of interest. 8. Normal serum: serum from healthy animals free of antibodies to a range of relevant mycoplasmas (same animal species in which the biotinylated antibody has been produced).

lmmunohistochemical Staining


9. Biotinylated annbodies: Raised against immunoglobulm of animal used for primary antibody production (Vector Laboratories). 10. Avldin-blotm peroxidase complex (Vector Laboratories). 11. 0.0 1% Triton X- 100 m Tris-HCl buffer (as above).

3. Methods 3.1. Preparation

of Paraffin Sections

1 Fix tissue samples m neutral buffered formalin for 24-48 h at room temperature (see Note 1). 2. Process the tissue samples for paraffin embedding as for routme histology. Paraffin blocks can be stored indefinitely at room temperature. 3 Cut 5-pm thick sections with a microtome, and mount on polyhsme-coated slides. Dry secttons onto slides very thoroughly in a 50°C oven overnight (see Note 2). Paraffin sections can be stored mdefmitely in a dust-free box at room temperature.

3.2. St&kg


Include appropriate controls in each immunostammg test (see Note 3). Unless otherwise specified, all procedures are carrted out at room temperature. Steps 1, 2,3,6, 8, 10,12, and 13 should be performed placing the slides m a Coplm jar. Steps 4, 5, 7, 9, and 11 should be performed laying the slides flat m a humidity chamber and applying 100-200 pL (depending on the size of the section) of reagent. To prevent mixing of the reagents do not allow slides to touch each other. Do not let the sections dry out at any point. 1. Deparaffinize sections m two changes of xylene for 5 mm each Hydrate sections through the following graded alcohol series: two changes of absolute alcohol for 5 mm each, 95% alcohol for 5 min, 70% alcohol for 5 mm, distilled water for 5 mm 2. Quench endogenous peroxtdase by treatmg the sections with the mhtbttion peroxiclase reagent for 20 mm. 3. Wash shdes in Tris-HCl buffer for 5 min (see Note 1). 4. Remove excess liquid from around the sections with the aid of a dtsposable tissue, and make a circle around the section on the slide with a diamond pencil. The ctrcile delineates the area in which the section is located. Moreover, it creates a surfface tension that keeps the reagents on the section. Apply 100-200 pL of 2% normal serum from the ammal species in which the secondary biotinylated antibod:y has been produced, dtluted m Tris-HCI buffer. Incubate for 20 min. 5. Blot the normal serum, and without washing, apply 100-200 pL of an optimal dilution of the primary antibody in Tris-HCl buffer (see Note 4) Incubate for 18 h at 4°C 6. Wash slides three times in 0.01% Triton X- 100 in Tris-HCl buffer for 3 min each. 7 Remove excess liquid from around the sections. Apply 100-200 pL of l/200 dilution of secondary biotinylated antibody directed against the immunoglobulins of the species in which the primary antibody has been produced dtluted in Tris .HCl buffer. Incubate for 30 mm. 8. Wash slides for three times m 0.01% Triton X-100 in Tris-HCl buffer for 3 min each.



9. Remove excess hquid from around the sections Apply 100-200 pL of the avidm-biotin peroxidase complex reagent. This reagent must be prepared 30 min before use by adding 10 ug avtdin and 2.5 pg biotm-peroxidase to 1 mL TrisHCl buffer. Incubate sections for 30 min. 10. Wash slides three times in Tris-HCl buffer for 3 mm each 11 Remove excess liquid from around the sections. Develop the reaction by applying to the sections 100-200 pL of the DAB peroxtdase substrate solution for l-3 mm. Stop the reaction by washing m tap water for 5 mm. 12 Counterstain sections with Mayer’s hematoxylin for 1 mm, and then wash m running tap water for 5 mm. 13 Dehydrate sections through a sequence of alcohols starting at 70% alcohol for 5 min, then 95% alcohol for 5 mm, and two changes of absolute alcohol for 5 mm each. Clear sections by two changes of xylene for 10 min each. 14. Place a drop of mounting media over the section, and gently apply a cover slip (see Note 5)

4. Notes 1. It is important to fix the tissue as soon as possible after sampling. For an optimal fixation, the tissue samples should not exceed 7 mm in thickness and should be immersed in abundant fixative fluid with a ratio of 10 parts formalm to 1 part tissue. Prolonged fixation times may adversely influence the mmmnohistochemical reaction by altering or destroying the anttgen under mvestigatton. The adverse effect of prolonged fixation is particularly evident when MAbs are used as primary antibody, whereas fixation times of several days generally do not influence the mnnunohistochemical reactivity ofpolyclonal antibodies. Mild fixatives, such as B-5, Bouin’s, and absolute alchol. can be used instead of formalm to prevent loss of anttgemcity. A number of methods have been described to restore antigenicety altered by formalm fixation. These treatments include trypsm or other proteolytic enzymes More recently, an antigen-retrieval technique has been developed that mvolves heatmg sections at high temperatures m a microwave oven or m an autoclave (15) Proteolytic and antigen-retrieval treatments are performed after rehydration and quenching endogenous peroxidase, but before blocking. 2. Owing to the frequent rinsing of the slides, lifting and subsequent loss of the section are a common problem m mnnunohistochemical stammg Adequate drymg of the sections and the use of polylysme-coated slides can considerably improve the adherence of sections on the slide. Do not use adhesive containing egg albumin because of the presence of avidm 3. It IS necessary to have a negative control for each sample. This control is made on a serial section m which the primary antibody IS substituted by the premnnune serum, a nonimmune serum, or another irrelevant antibody (for example, an antibody directed against another mycoplasma). Moreover, it is necessary to introduce m each nnmunostaining run at least one known negative section in which the mycoplasma antigen under investigation is not present and one known positive section in which the antigen is present.




Fig. 2. Posterior mediastinal lymph node of a cow with chronic pulmonary lesions of CBPP. Diffise positivity is present in the centrofollicular area of a follicle. Imrnunohistochemical staining for A4. m. mycoides SC, hematoxylin counterstain, x 200. 4. For long storage, keep aliquots of the primary antibodies at -20°C and avoid repeated freezing and thawing. For continuous use, a l/10 dilution of the primary antibodies may be stored at 4°C in O.OSMTris-HCl buffer containing 0.1% sodium azide. When stored in this manner, no loss of reactivity is seen for up to 6 mo. The optimal working dilution of the primary antibody should be determined by titration assay. For this purpose, apply a twofold dilution series of the primary antibody on serial sections of a known positive control. The optimum dilution is where the strongest positive reaction is present in the absence of background staining. The following are suggested dilutions of primary antibodies used in the ABC method: polyclonal antibodies l/5000-20000, mouse MAbs (ascitic fluid) 1/1000-l 0000, mouse MAbs (supernatant fluid) 115-l 00. 5. The interpretation of the result is not always straightforward and should be performed by a skilled pathologist. A positive reaction is visualized by a brown color against the blue counterstained tissue (Fig. 2). Peroxidase chromogens other than DAB are also available. 3-Amino-9-ethylcarbazole (AEC), which gives a red color at the site of reaction, may be used instead of DAB when endogenous brown pigments, such as melanin or hemosiderin, are present in the sample. Several artifacts can mimic the positive reaction. To avoid false-positive results, check carefully the corresponding negative control section for the absence of positive staining.

References 1. Stemberger, L. A., Hardy, P. H., Cuculis, J. J., and Meyer, H. G. (1970) The unlabelled antibody-enzyme method of immunohistochemistry. Preparation and properties of soluble antigen-antibody complex (horseradish peroxidase-antihorseradish peroxidase) and its use in identification of spirochetes. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 18,3 15-333. 2. Hsu, S. M., Raine, L., and Fanger, H. (1981) Use of avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) in immunoperoxidase techniques: a comparison between ABC and unlabeled antibody (PAP) procedures. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 29,577-580. 3. Mukai, K. and Rosai, J. (1980) Applications of immunoperoxidase techniques in surgical pathology, in Progress in Surgical Pathology, vol. 1 (Fenoglio, C. M. and Wolff, M., eds.), Masson, New York, New York, pp. 15-49.



4 Ehas, J. M. (1982) Prznciples and Techniques in Diagnostic Histopathology Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, New Jersey. 5 Lo, S. C., Wear, D. J., Green, S. L , Jones, P G., and Legier, J F (1993) Adult respiratory distress syndrome with or without systemic disease associated with infections due to Mycoplasma fermentans. Clm. Infect Dis. 17 (Suppl. l), 25%263. 6 Manta, T., Fukuda, H., Awakura, T., Shlmada, A., Umemura, T , Kazama, S , and Yagihashi, T. (1995) Demonstration of Mycoplasma hyorhznts as a possible pnmary pathogen for porcine otltls media. Vet. Path01 32, 107-l 11 7. De las Mulas, J M., Fernandez, A., Sierra, M. A., Poveda, J. B., Carranza, J., and De las Mulas, M. (1990) Immunohlstochemlcal demonstration of Mycoplasma gall~narum and Mycoplasma gallinaceum in naturally infected hen oviducts Res Vet Sci 49,339-345. 8. Nunoya, T., Yagihashl, T., TaJima, M., and Nagasawa, Y. (1995) Occurrence of keratoconJunctivitis apparently caused by Mycoplasma galliseptxum m layer chickens. Vet Path01 32, 11-18 9. Ferronha, M. H., Nunes Petlsca, J. L , Sousa Ferreira, H., Machado, M., Regalla, J , and Penha Goncalves, A (1990) Detection of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycozdes immunoreactive sites in pulmonary tissue and sequestra of bovines with contagious pleuropneumoma, in Contagrous Bovzne Pleuropneumonra (Regalla, J., ed.), Commlsslon of the European Communities, Luxembourg, pp 17-25 10 Scanzlani, E , Paltrmleri, S., and Gelmettl, D (1991) Identlficazlone nnmunolstochimica dl Mycoplasma mycoldes subsp. mycozdes Osservazloni prehmmarl Selezlone Veterinaria 32, 33-40 11. Scanziam, E , Gneco, V., Boldml, M., Giustl, A M., and Monaco, C. (1994) Use of mununohlstochemlstry for diagnosis of contagious bovine pleuropneumoma (CBPP). Proceedings of the 10th International Congress of the International Organization for Mycoplasmology, July 19-26, Bordeaux, France, p. 83. 12. Scanzlani, E., Grieco, V., Boldmi, M., and Mandelh, G. (1994) Immunohlstochemical identification of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides m cases of contagious bovine pleuropneumoma (CBPP). Proceedings of the 12th autumn meeting of the European Society of Veterinary Pathology, September 18-22, Mondovi, Italy, p 130. 13 Rodriguez, F., Kennedy, S , Bryson, T. D G , Femandez, A., and Ball, H. J. (1996) An immunohlstochemlcal method of detecting Mycoplasma species antigens by use of monoclonal antibodies on paraffin sections of pneumonic bovine and caprine lungs J Vet. Med B 43,429-438 14 Adegboye, D. S., Rasberry, U., Halbur, P. G , Andrews, J. J , and Rosenbusch, R. F. (1995) Monoclonal antibody-based mununohlstochemlcal technique for the detectlon of Mycoplasma bovis in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded calf lung tissue. J. Vet Dlagn. Invest. 7,261-265. 15. Shi, S. R., Gu, J., Kalra, K. L., Chen, T., Cote, R. J., and Taylor, C. R. (1995) Antigen retrieval techmque: a novel approach to mmmnohlstochemistry on routinely processed tissue sections. Cell Vision 2,6-22.

17 Extraction

of DNA from Mycoplasmas

John B. Bashiruddin 1. Introduction The manipulation of genetic material for the purpose of diagnosis or analysis almost always requires the preparation of sample to expose genomic nucleic acid or the extraction and purification of DNA. Molecular techniques, such as restriction enzyme analysis, Southern hybridization, random amphfied polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis, and nucleic acid sequencing, rely on the purity and integrity of DNA for consistent results. Generally, cells are disrupted mechanically or by detersive agents, protems inactivated by heat denaturation or enzymatic digestion, and cellular material removed from nucleic acids by phase separation in solvents. Many other methods have been described for the preparation of DNA suitable for amplification and restnctlon enzyme analysis. Some include new reagents that are mixtures of solvents and result in the reduction of handling time, whereas others are special polymers that sequester or chelate materials other than nucleic acids The method that combines the action of the detergent sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), the proteolytlc enzyme proteinase K (PK), and the solvent phenol IS widely used for DNA extraction from a variety of eukaryotlc and prokaryotic sources. With the exception of pulse-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), which requires unsheared DNA, this method provides DNA suitable for most techniques, including PCR. A modification of the method that uses SDS, PK, and phenol, and one that uses guanidium thiocyanate, which have provided DNA suitable for analysis by most techniques, is described here for mycoplasmas (1,2) (see Note 1). Extraction and sample preparation methods for the handling of clinical material and bacteriological culture are described in Chapter 16. From Methods m Molecular B/ology, Vol 104 Mycoplasma Protocols Edited by R J Miles and R A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa,




142 2. Materials 2.7. Pheno//Ch/oroform

Method (See Note 2)

1. Washed and pelleted cells from which the DNA wrll be extracted. 2. Cell resuspension buffer (TNE) O.OlM Tris-HCl, pH 8 0, O.OlM NaCl, 0.01&I EDTA. 3. 10% SDS. (w/v) m water 4. Sarcosme: 10% (w/v) in water 5. PK: 20 mg/mL in water 6. DNase-free RNase: 10 mg/mL. 7 Phenol saturated with 0.2M Trts-HCI, pH 7.2 8 Phenol:chloroform.isoamyl alcohol. 9. Sodrum acetate: 3.OA4 m water. 10 100% Ethanol at -2O’C 11. 80% Ethanol at -20°C. 12 TE buffer: O.OlMTrrs-HCl, pH 8.0, O.OlMEDTA

2.2. Guanidium 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



Washed and pelleted cells from which the DNA will be extracted. GES buffer. 5M guanidium thiocyanate, 0.M EDTA, 0.5% sarcosyl. Ammonmm acetate: 7.5M, pH 7.7 m water. Phenol saturated with O.OlMTris-HCl, pH 7.2. Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol. 100% 2-Propanol. 80% Ethanol TE buffer: O.OlMTrrs-HCl, pH 8 0, O.OlM EDTA.

3. Method 3.1. Phenol/Chloroform


1. Collect the cells from 25 mL of broth culture by centrifugation at 10,OOOg for 30 min at 4°C. Wash them once m TE at 4°C and use the pellet immedtately or store at -80°C. 2. Resuspend the cell pellet in 0.5 mL of TNE (see Note 3) 3. Lyse the cells by the addition of 10 pL of 10% SDS and 10 pL of 10% sarcosme 4. Add 10 pL of 20 mg/mL PK and incubate at 37°C for 2 h. 5. Add DNase-free RNase to 100 pg/mL, and incubate at 37°C for 30 mm. 6 Extract the lysate once with 0.5 mL of phenol. 7. Centrifuge the emulsion at 13,000g for 10 mm, and transfer the aqueous upper phase to another tube. 8. Add 0.5 mL of phenol.chloroform:isoamyl alcohol, extract again, and repeat the extraction with phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol and remove 0.4 mL of the aqeous phase into a new tube. 9. Add 40 p.L of sodium acetate and 0.8 mL of 100% ethanol, mrx gently, and allow the DNA to precipitate at -20°C for 16 h.


Extraction of DNA

10. Pellet the DNA by centrifugation at 13,000g for 10 mm, and discard the supernatant. 11. Add 0.5 mL of 80% ethanol, mix, and pellet the washed DNA by centrifugation at 13,OOOg for 10 mm. 12. Discard the supematant, and dry the DNA in air Resuspend the DNA m water or TE for immediate use, or keep the DNA pellet at -20°C for long-term storage

3.2. Guanidium



1 Collect the cells from 25 mL of broth culture by centrlfugation at 10,OOOg for 30 min at 4°C. Wash them once in TE at 4”C, and use the pellet immediately or store at -80°C 2 Resuspend the cell pellet in 2 5 mL of TE. 3. To lOO-pL ahquots, add 500 @, of GES buffer, and hold at room temperature for 10 mm. 4. Place tubes on ice, and add 250 pL of 7 5M ammonium acetate, pH 7 7 5. Extract the lysate three times with 0.5 mL of phenol:chloroform:lsoamyl alcohol. 6 Centrifuge the emulsion at 13,000g for 10 min, transfer the aqueous upper phase to another tube, and proceed with the next extraction. 7. To the final aqeous phase, add 600 pL of 2-propanol, and pellet the DNA by centrifugation at 13,OOOg for 15 mm. 8. Discard the supematant, and wash the DNA pellet three times with 80% ethanol by centrlfugation at 13,OOOg for 10 mm. 9. Discard the supematant, and dry the DNA m air. Resuspend the DNA m water or TE for immediate use, or keep the DNA pellet at -2O’C for long-term storage

4. Notes 1. These procedures are two of the many that may provide genomlc DNA from mycoplasmas. For further general methods for the extraction of DNA from bacterial sources, see refs. 3-5. 2. Use molecular biology-grade chemicals and solvents, mcludmg water, for the preparation of all solutions. 3. DNA from mycoplasmas, in particular A4. m. mycozdes, IS delicate and susceptible to rapid degradation by nucleases. Care must be taken to keep the pellets, suspensions, and lysates cold by placing them on ice. This becomes mcreasmgly important when delays are expected in the processing when several suspensions must be treated at the same time 4. Aliquot all solutions and enzymes into convenient lots. This ensures the freshness of reagents and allows quick refreshment of reagents m case of a failure. 5. Use DNA-grade recrystallized phenol and DNA-grade solvents. Be aware of the health hazards from phenol and guamdium thlocyanate. 6. With the methods described, extractions may be performed in 1.5-mL Eppendorf tubes, but they may be adapted to larger volumes if necessary. 7. The incubation time during the lysis of the cells m Subheading 3.1. may need to be optimized, for more delicate mycoplasmas, reduce the time at 37°C to 1 h.



8. The purity of the DNA may be assessed by 0D26,,,xs0 measurements, and the concentration of the resuspended DNA may be quantified and adjusted based on these readings. Agarose electrophoresis of extracted DNA may be used to verify the integrity of DNA

References 1 Taylor, T. K., Bashnuddm, J B., and Gould, A. R. (1992) Application of a dtagnosttc DNA probe for the differentiation of the two types of Mycoplasma mycozdes subspecies mycoides Res Vet Sci 53, 154-159. 2 Cheng, X., Ntcolet, J., Poumarat, F., Regalla, J , Thtacourt, F , and Frey, J. (1995) Insertion element IS1296 in Mycoplasma mycoldes subspecies mycoldes small colony identifies a European clonal lme distinct from Afrrcan and Australian strains. Mzcrobzology 53, 154-159. 3. Delidow, B. C., Lynch, J. P., Peluso, J. J., and White, B. W. (1993) Polymerase chain reaction: Basic protocols, m PCR Protocols’ Current Methods and Applzcatzons (White, B , ed.), Humana Press, Totowa, NJ, pp l-29. 4. Graves, L. M. and Swaminathan, B. (1993) Universal bacterial DNA isolation procedure, m Diagnostic Molecular Microbiology Princtpies and Appkations Persmg, D. H., Smith, T F., Tenover, F. C., and White, T J., eds ), ASM, Washmgton, DC, pp, 617-62 1. 5. Rolfs A., Schuller, I., Fmckh, U., and Weber-Rolfs, I. (1992) Isolation of DNA from cells and tissue for PCR, m PCR Clmical Diagnosis and Research. (Rolfs, A., Schuller, I., Finckh, U., and Weber-Rolfs, I., eds.) Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 79-89.

18 Characterization of Mycoplasmas by PCR and Sequence Analysis with Universal 16s rDNA Primers Karl-Erik Johansson,

Malin U. K. Heldtander,

and Bertil Pettersson

1. Introduction Ribosomes are present in all self-replicating cells and constitute their protein-synthesizing machinery. The rrbosomes are composed of ribosomal proteins and ribosomal RNA (rRNA). Bacteria have three kinds of rRNA (5S, 16S, and 23s rRNA), and the genetic information of these molecules is organized m the genome in the form of rRNA operons. The nucleotide sequencesof the rRNA molecules contain well-defined segments of different evolutionary vartabrlity, which in the 16s rRNA molecule are referred to as universal (U), semiconserved (S), and variable (V) regions (I) The unrversal regions are numbered UI-U8 from the S-terminus. A more refined model for the nucleotide substrtution rates in bacterial rRNA was recently presented, and it was shown that the nucleotide substrtution rates within one of the above regions can vary substantially (2). Ribosomal RNA has the same important function m the cell, irrespective of species, which means that the correspondmg genes are under approximately the same evolutionary pressure. These properties together make sequence analysis of rRNA extremely suitable for phylogenetrc (3) and evolutionary (4) studies. A typical bacterial rRNA operon has the followmg orgamzatron: 5’ - 16s rRNA - spacerregion- 23s rRNA - 5s rRNA - trailer region- 3’ (1) However, there are many exceptrons to this rule, and tt has been shown that Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Mycoplasma galllsepticum have an unusual orgamzatron of their rRNA genes (5,6). Among mycoplasmas, rt is only m the genus Acholeplasma where tRNA genes have been found m the spacer region From Methods m Molecular Bology, Vol 104 Mycoplasma Protocols Edlted by R J Miles and R A J Nicholas 0 Humana Press Inc , Totowa,




Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson

(7). It is the 1500-nucleotide 16s rRNA molecule particularly that has been used for phylogenetic studies, although the 23s rRNA contains more sequence information with its 3000 nucleotides. Several thousands of complete bacterial 16s rRNA sequenceshave been deposited m data bases,and many mycoplasma sequences are now available in GenBank or in the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) data banks for nucleotide sequences. There are also data banks dedicated for rRNA sequences only (8,9). The most extensive molecular phylogeny of mycoplasmas was based on 16s rRNA sequence data (10). It was shown that the mycoplasmas can be arranged m five phylogenetic groups (the hominis, the pneumoniae, the spiroplasma, the anaeroplasma, and the asteroleplasma group). These phylogenetic groups have been further subdivided mto 16 clusters, which are named after representative strains, species, or genera belonging to the cluster (10-12). The taxonomy of the mycoplasmas was recently revised on the basis of 16s rRNA sequence data and also on some other data (13). The first 16s rRNA sequence from a mycoplasma to be determined originated from Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (14). That sequence was determined by cloning the 16s rRNA gene and chemical sequencmg of DNA by the Maxam-Gilbert procedure. The second 16s rRNA sequence from a mycoplasma originated from Mycoplasma sp. bovine group 7 (15), and it was determined by clonmg the 16s rRNA gene and dideoxynucleotide sequencing of DNA by the Sanger method. Later, many 16s rRNA sequences of mycoplasmas were determined by direct rRNA sequencing with reverse transcrtptase (IO), but it is difficult to generate complete and correct sequence data with this method. Solid-phase DNA sequencing has proven to be a very useful method for sequencing both DNA strands (16), and this method can easily be automated and used for sequencing of PCR products (17). Automated solid-phase DNA sequencing of PCR products from 16s rRNA genes has been introduced for mycoplasmas, because the procedure is rapid and can be used to generate very accurate sequence data (11,12,18-21). Another great advantage of direct sequencing of PCR products is that the cloning step is avoided. This means that randomly misincorporated deoxynucleotides, owing to the error frequency of the Taq DNA polymerase, will not affect the sequence data. PCR primers can be designed to be complementary to the universal regions of the 16s rRNA genes of mycoplasmas, and such primers can be used for amplification of the 16s rRNA genes of most species. The PCR products can then be usedfor direct solid-phase DNA sequencing with sequencing primers complementary to universal regions. The sequence data can be used for similarity searchesand for constructionof phylogenetictrees.The similarity search will show if the mycoplasma has been sequenced before. If not, a tree can always be constructed and used to determine the phylogenetic cluster to which

Universal 76s rRNA Primers


the new species belongs. Information about its closest relatives will also be obtained. About 100 16s rRNA mycoplasma sequences have so far been deposited in the data banks, which means that the phylogenetic tree can be very informative, if the right species are selected. Sequencing can therefore be used to classify unknown isolates, and the 16s rRNA genes from the maJority of the mycoplasmas described so far will, hopefully, be sequenced in the near future. Sequencing of the 16s rRNA genes will then be an extremely powerful tool in the classification of mycoplasmas. We have developed a set of universal PCR primers that can amplify the 16s rRNA genes of most mycoplasmas (11,12,18-21). The system is based on seminested PCR with the first primer pan complementary to the universal regions Ul and U8. More than 95% of the gene is amplified with these primers, and a PCR product of about 1500 bp is obtained. The amphcon is then diluted and amplified again in two independent seminested PCR experiments with one primer pair complementary to the universal regions Ul and U5 and another primer pair complementary to the universal regions U2 and U8. These reactions will generate PCR products of about 900 and 1250 bp, respectively, with an overlapping region of about 650 bp. The amplicons can then be sequenced by automated solid-phase DNA sequencmg with a set of eight universal sequencing primers (11,12,18-21). The primers were primarily designed for mycoplasmas, but can also be used to amplify and sequence the 16s rRNA genes from many bacteria related to mycoplasmas. The strategies for design of PCR and sequencing primers for 16s rRNA genes were recently discussed m detail; a combination of primers that can be used for analysis of the 16s rRNA genes of most (eu)bacterial taxa was included (20). 2. Materials 2.1. Cultivation of Mycoplasmas Cultivation of mycoplasmas is treated in Chapters 3-5 of this volume. The procedures and materials required for growing mycoplasmas will, therefore, only be discussed briefly under Subheading 1. Phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) is used to wash the cells after cultivation. 2.2. In Vitro Amplification of the 16s rRNA Gene by Seminested PCR Taq DNA polymerase from different commercial companies can be used. In the procedure described below, we have used Amplitaq (Perkin-Elmer, Cetus, Norwalk, CT), and either a thermocycler (model 480 or 9600) from Perkin Elmer or the model Progene with a heated lid from Techne Inc. (Princeton, NJ). It may be necessaryto reoptimize the procedure if materials or equipment from other companies are used.


Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson

Table 1 Universal PCR Primers for In Vitro Amplification of the 16s rRNA Genes from Mycoplasmas by Seminested

PCR (19)

Target region, Nucleottde Destgnation dtrecttonb posmonC Sequenced 593 620-B* 388 390-Ba

Ul (F) U8 (R) U2 (F) U5 (R)

10-34 1502-l 524 327-348 902-924


“The reverseprimers are biotmylated (B) in the 5’-termmus for solid-phase sequencing with magnetic beads bForward (F) or reverse (R). ‘In the consensus sequence of the 16s rRNA genes from the rrnB operons of the members of the Mycoplasma mycordes cluster shownin Fig. 1 Seealsoref. 19

Qegenerated positions are indicated with the correspondmg ambigutty code according to the Internattonal Unton of Biochemistry (IUB) WSP andRSPareuniversalsequencing handles,forwardandreverse,respectively The correspondingsequencmg primersare provtdedwith the AutoReadSequencingKit Usually, we only usethe RSPsequencmg prtmer(seeTable 2)

1 DNA template from the mycoplasma to be analyzed The template can be the DNA in a washed pellet of organisms or DNA prepared by, for instance, phenol extraction according to standard procedures. 2 Tag DNA polymerase, 10X PCR buffer, and 25 mM MgCl* The buffer and the MgC12 are often supplied with the enzyme 3. Two forward and two reverse PCR primers, which can be combmed into three primer pairs (see Table 1) One of the primers in each pair should be biotinylated 4. A mixture of the four deoxynucleotides dATP, dCTP, dGTP, and dTTP 5. Mineral oil, tf a thermocycler wtthout a heated lid 1sused. 6. Microtubes for the PCR reactions. 7. Pipets and tips (0.5-10 uL, 10-100 & and 100-1000 pL>. 8 Microcentrifuge. 9. Thermocycler. 10 Agarose 11 10X TBE-a (electrophoresis) buffer: 0.9M Tris, 0.9M boric acid, and 26 mii4 EDTA. 12. A stock solutron of ethidium bromide (10 mg/mL,). Keep the solution protected from light. Ethrdium bromide is a strong mutagen and should be handled with great care. 13. Molecular-size marker, for instance BglI-cleaved pBR 328 DNA and HinfI cleaved pBR 328 DNA (Boehringer Mannheim, Germany). 14 Gel-loading solution: 30% glycerol and 0.25% bromophenol blue


Universal 16s rRNA Primers Table 2 Universal Sequencing Primers for Analysis of PCR Products of the 16s rRNA Genes from Mycoplasmas

Designation 583 584 631 390 538

597 585



Target region, dire&on0

Nucleotlde posltlor+


I-J~09 U2 09 U3 W U5 CR) U4 F) U6 F) U7 (R) U8 (R)

12-27 327-348 512-527 902-924 792-8 10 1154-l 172 1359-l 374 -d


aForward(F) or reverse(R) ‘In the consensus sequence of the 16srRNA genesfrom the rrnB operonsof themembersof theM mycoldes clustershownm Fig. 1 Seealsoref. 19 CThesequencmg primersare labeledwith Cy5 m the 5’-terminusfor sequencingwith the ALFexpresssystem.Degenerated posltlonsareindicatedwith thecorrespondmg ambiguitycode accordingto the IUB dSequencmg handle,which is usedto analyzeampliconsgeneratedwith the primer 620-B (seeTable 1) asreverseprimer

15. Apparatus for agarosegel electrophoresis(submarine type) of small DNA fragments and a suitable power supply. 16. Equipment for documentation of the gels (a UV table and either a Polaroid camera or a solid-state camera).

2.3. Sequence Determination of the PCR Products by the Direct Solid-Phase Method Different sequencing systemscan be used. The automated solid-phase DNA sequencing system described below is based on dideoxynucleotide sequencing according to Sanger (21a). The ALFexpress TMAutomated Laser Fluorescent DNA sequencer from Amersham Pharmacia Biotech (Uppsala, Sweden) was used here to separate the DNA fragments after the sequencing reactions. 1. Biotinylated PCR products.

2. Sequencingprimers labeled with the Cy5 indodicarbocyanine phosphoramidite dye (Cy5) (Amersham Pharmacia Blotech) at the 5’-terminus (Table 2). Store the stock solutions of CyS-labeled primers at -2O”C, and keep them protected

from light. The diluted primer solutions can be stored at +4”C for several months. The CyS-labeledprimers areto be used in concert with the ALFexpress sequencing system.


Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson

3. Streptavidm-coated super paramagnetic beads, Dynabeads M280 (Dynal AS, Oslo, Norway) 4 0 1MNaOH (prepare fresh and keep frozen). 5 0.2MHCl 6 2X Binding/washing buffer, 10 mM Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7 5, 1 mM EDTA, 2 0 mMNaC1 7 1 .OM Tns-HCl, pH 7.4 8. TE buffer: 10 mA4 Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7 5, 1 mM EDTA. 9 A magnetic rack for microcentrifuge tubes. 10 Pipets and tips (as for the PCR experiments) 11. A suitable sequencing kit (Cy5 AutoReadTM Sequencing Kit, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech) 12 The ALFexpress sequencmg system with the standard plate krt, a computer, and software (ALFMANAGER for OS/2 or ALFWIN for Windows 95), or another suitable sequencing system. 13. 10X TBE-b (electrophoresrs) buffer. 1 OM Tris, 0.8M boric acid, and 10 mA4 EDTA. 14. ReadyMix Gel, ALF-grade (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech)

2.4. Construction of PhylogeneticTrees Different software are available for computers with various operating systems, and it should be possible to choose a system that IS compatible with the overall computer strategy of the department. 1, Computer software for merging sequences mto contigs. PC/Gene (Oxford Molecular, Oxford, UK) for MS-DOS may be used for this purpose. Genetics Data Environment (GDE), which is written for Unix, can be used for many different purposes (22). GDE contains useful tools for handling of sequence data, and can be combined with programes for similarity searches and programs for construction of phylogenetic trees by different algorithms. GDE is a freeware, which is very convenient to use m the different steps m handling of sequence data. 2. Access to Internet wrth Netscape or another World Wide Web (WWW) readmg program is very useful. 3. Access to GenBank (National Center for Biotechnology Information, Bethesda, MD) on line or on CD-ROM and software for handling of the nucleottde sequences from GenBank is necessary. The program package from Genetics Computer Group (GCG) (Madison, WI), which is available for Unix and VMS operating systems, is useful (23) Access to the data banks for rRNA sequences via Internet is also valuable, because these sequences can be downloaded from the data banksin a preahgned format. The URL addressto the home page of the American data bank for rRNA sequences, Ribosomal Database Project (RDP) (8) from the University of Illmors at Urbana-Champaign is: All sequences from RDP can be downloaded to the hard disk of your Unix computer by your system manager and used in concert with GDE. The URL address to the European data bank for rRNA sequences from the Umversity of Antwerp

Universal 16s rRNA Primers


(9) is: http://rrna uia data bankwill be referred to asthe rRNA WWW

Server below. 4. Software for manual alignment of the new sequences with the preahgned sequences, for instance, GDE 5 Softwares for discrete character-based and distance matrix-based methods with

bootstrap options for computation of phylogenetlc trees:The followmg program packages can be recommended, because they suit most phylogenetlc purposes m routine analysis of sequence data. The first is the phylogenetlc program package

PHYLIP (PhylogeneticInference Package),which is a freeware program and can be run under Unix, MS-DOS, or on the Macintosh computer (24). PHYLIP can be integrated in GDE. The second is PAUP (Phylogenetic Analysis Using Parslmony), which 1sanother program package that has become popular for Macmtosh computers, but versions for MS-DOS and Unix also exist (25) The third IS MEGA (Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis), which can be run under MSDOS or Windows 95 (26). PHYLIP, PAUP, and MEGA have the useful functionalltles and contam programs for construction of phylogenetlc trees by different algorithms. The three most common methods are maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and neighbor-Joining For a review, see refs. (27,28). There are also other programs available, and interested readers can visit the home page of Joseph Felsenstem to obtain information about PHYLIP and an almost complete list of the different other programs with short descriptions The URL address to this home page 1s.http l/evolution.genetlcs Washington edu Some of the freewares are available from ftp servers or by WWW

3. Methods 3.1. Cultivation of Mycoplasmas Cultivation of mycoplasmas is treated in chapters 3-5 and therefore, only some comments relevant for PCR analysis are given here. In principle, only a very small volume (100 $ or less) of mycoplasmas is suffclent, but for practical reasons, it is better to prepare larger volumes. 1. Grow the mycoplasmasm, for instance,10mL of the appropriategrowth medium. 2. Distribute 1 mL of the outgrown suspension culture in mlcrocentrifuge tubes, and centrifuge at about 12,OOOg for 20 min. 3. Wash the pellets three times in 500 @., of PBS by repeated centrifugations and resuspenslons. The pellets can be stored frozen for several years at -70°C 4. Suspend the pellets in 100 pL of HZ0 and heat them in a boiling water bath for 10 mm. Use the suspension as DNA template m the PCR reactions (see Note 1)

3.2. In Vitro Amplification of the 16s rRNA Gene with Universal Primers The 16s rRNA genes are amplified by semmested PCR with four primers complementary to the universal regions Ul, U2, U5, and U8, as defined by Gray et al. (1). Two of the primers (U5 and US) are biotinylated to make the


Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson

PCR products suitable for solid-phase DNA sequencmg. The sequences and directions of the primers are given in Table 1 and in Fig. 1. The contamination problem often met in PCR is less serious when relatively large amounts of DNA are amplified (see Note 2). 1, Prepare a suitable volume of the following mastermix, and distribute 45 JJL mto the number of reaction tubes required: 28 85 pL H20 5.0 pL PCR buffer (1 OX) 5.0 pL MgClz (2.5 mM) dNTP mix (2.5 mA4 of each) 4OcIL Primer 593 (10 pmol/pL) lo& Primer 620B (10 pmol/pL) 1.0 pL Taq DNA polymerase (5 U/pL) 0 15 j.lL Keep the tubes on ice until the reaction is to be started. 2. Add 5 pL of lysed mycoplasma suspension (diluted 1: 10) to the reaction tubes Overlay with two drops of mineral 011If a thermocycler without heated lid is used. 3 Place the tubes m the thermocycler, and run the reactions for 30 cycles. Each cycle should consist of the followmg steps: 96°C for 15 s and 70°C for 2 mm The primers have approximately the same annealing temperature as the temperature optimum for the Tuq DNA polymerase and a combined annealmg-elongation step at 70°C can, therefore, be used. 4. Mtx 5 pL of the PCR product with 2 pL of the gel-loading solution. Apply the

sampleson a 1.5%agarosegel preparedin 1X TBE-a buffer, with an appropriate DNA size marker, and perform the separation for about 30 mm at a field strength of 5 V/cm Stain the gel in ethidium bromide (1 pg/mL) for 20 mm, or include ethidium bromide in the gel (0 1 pg/mL) during preparation of the gel Visualize the PCRproductsby illumination with UV light. The sizeof the ampliconsshould be about 1500 bp (see Fig. 2 and Note 3). 5. Dilute the PCR products 1: 10, and use the diluted amplicon as template m two new PCR reactions based on the same mastermix as above, except for the choice of primers. In one of the reactions, the primers 593 and 390-B should be used, and in the other reaction, the primers 388 and 620-B should be used. The temperature in the combined annealing-elongation step should now be 68°C. 6. Analyze the PCR products as described above. The sizes of the amphcons generated in these reactions are 900 and 1250 bp, respectively (Fig. 2).

3.3. Sequence Determination of Biotinylated PCR Products It is only possible to determine about 96% of the sequence of the 16s rRNA gene by the procedure described here, since the sequences of the target regions and their flanking segments cannot be analyzed. Eight different sequencing primers have to be used to determine the complete sequence of the PCR products from the 16s rRNA gene in both directions (see Note 4). Four primers, two forward and two reverse, are used for each amplicon. The sequences and

Universal 16s t-RNA Primers

























I -hLw-










Iv R JRII 3 410

























































’ 000



I ROll




I I ,011
































Fig. 1. Positions of the primem relative to the consensussequenceof the 16s rRNA genes from the mB operon of the members of the M mycozks cluster (19). The target regions for the PCR

primers (PCR) and the sequencing primers (Seq) are underlined, and the directions are indicated with arrows.Positions wherenucleotide differencesexist UI the 16s rRNA genesof the members of the it4 mycoides cluster are denoted with the ambiguity letter code in boldface according to IUE3 The sequencelength variation ofMycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoldes SC is indicated with aa in boldface



Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson


1500 bp 1250 bp 900 bp

Fig. 2. Analysis of PCR products from Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae obtained by amplification with primers complementary to the universal regions Ul and U8 (lane 2), U2 and U8 (lane 3), and Ul and U5 (lane 4). Molecular-size markers (see Subheading2.2.) were applied in lane 1 and a negative control in lane 5. The approximate sizes of the amplicons are given in bp. directions of the primers are given in Table 2 and in Fig. 1. Mycoplasmas have one, two, or three rRNA operons, and nucleotide differences (see Note 5) as well as length variations (see Note 6) may occur between the 16s rRNA genes of the different rRNA operons. 1. Wash 20 pL of Streptavidin-coated paramagnetic beads (Dynabeads M280; DYNAL AS, Oslo, Norway) twice in 20 pL PBS and once in 20 pL 1X binding/ washing (B/W) buffer. Use a magnetic tube rack to sediment the beads while the supematant is removed. 2. Resuspend the washed beads in 40 pL of 2X B/W buffer, add 40 p.L of the PCR product and leave the suspension for 15 min at room temperature. 3. Discard the supematant after the magnetic separation, and wash the beads in 40 pL of 1X B/W buffer. The DNA can be stored immobilized on the beads at 4“C for several weeks. 4. Discard the supematant after the magnetic separation, resuspend the beads in 8 pL of O.lMNaOH, and leave the suspension at room temperature for 10 min. 5. Place the tube in the magnetic tube rack, remove the alkaline supematant, containing the eluted single strand, and transfer it to a new tube. Neutralize the super-

Universal 16s t-RNA Primers


7 8. 9.




natant with 4 $ of 0.2M HCl, and add 1 pL of 1M Tris-HCl buffer, pH 7 4 (see Note 7). Wash the beads first with 50 pL of O.lM NaOH, then with 40 pL of 1X B/W buffer, and finally with 50 pL of TE buffer. Discard the supernatants after each washing. Dilute,the beads with the immobilized DNA strand m 13 pL of distilled water. Perform the sequencing reactions with both the eluted and the immobilized DNA strand according to the protocol provided with the sequencing kit. Prepare a sequencing gel with ReadyMix Gel in the standard plate kit The gel must be prepared at least 1 h before the electrophoresis and can be stored at 4°C for up to 1 wk. Introduce the gel cassette Into the automated DNA sequencer and fill up the buffer vessels with 1X TBE-b buffer. Apply the samples onto the sequencing gel The electrophoretlc separation, on-lme detectlon, and computertzed sequence readmg will be performed automatically after initiation of the process Perform the electrophoresls accordmg to the Standard Operational Procedure suggested by the manufacturer. The sequences will be shown on the computer display (see Fig. 3) and are obtained as computer files, whtch can be edited and transformed mto a format suitable for evaluation of the data.

3.4. Evaluation The 16s rDNA

of Sequence


sequence data will play an important

role in the future for

the classification of mycoplasmas as more species are described (12), because conventional methods provide less discriminatory information (see Note 8). The number of deposited 16s rRNA sequences from mycoplasmas IS close to 100, and it will, therefore, be possible to determine the phylogenetlc cluster and close relatives to a new mycoplasma. There IS a constant debate concerning the construction of phylogenetic trees, and it is impossible to cover all aspects in this chapter. However, some general advice is provided that can be used to get started 1. Merge the sequences of the amplicons to a contlg representing the nearly complete 16s rRNA sequence by usmg a suitable computer program 2. Use the contig for a BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) search (29) This kmd of search can be performed on-line from the home page of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, which has the following URL address It is also possible to use a similarity search program m GCG, for instance, WORDSEARCH, BLAST, or FASTA. Any of these searches will give a list of the species with the most similar 16s rRNA sequences. 3. Select all relevant species from the list, and download those that are available from RDP or the rRNA WWW Server as preallgned sequences mto GDE (see Note 9). Examples of species representing different phylogenetlc groups and clusters are given in Table 3. Retrieve other relevant sequences from GenBank or EMBL, and align them manually with the prealigned sequences from RDP. Note

Table 3 Examples

of Mycoplasmas


All Eight Genera

(73) and All Five Phylogenetic



Phylogenettc groupb

Phylogenetic clustef

Accession no. m GenBa&

Asteroleplasma (As ) anaerobium M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC Mycoplasma putrefacrensf Mesoplasma (Me) entomophtlum Entomoplasma ellychniae Spiroplasma apis Spiroplasma citri Spiroplasma sp strain Y-32 Mycoplasma pneumoniae Mycoplasma murts Ureaplasma urealyttcum Mycoplasma synovtae Mycoplasma lipophrlum Mycoplasma agalacttae Mycoplasma homtms Mycoplasma pulmonis

Asteroleplasma (1) SpiropIasma (4) Spiroplasma Sptroplasma Spnoplasma Spiroplasma Spiroplasma Spiroplasma Pneumoniae (3) Pneumoniae Pneumoniae Homims (6) Hominis Homims Hominis Hominis

As anaerobzum M22351 M. mycotdes (a) U2603WU26039 M mycotdes (a) U26055 M mycordes (a) M2393 1 M. mycotdes (a) M24292 S. apes (b) M23937 S citri (c) M23942 Sptroplasma sp strain Y-32 (d) M24477 M pneumontae (a) M2906 1 M murts (b) M23939 U urealyticum (c) M23935 M. synoviae (a) LO7757 M lipophtlum (b) M24581 M ltpophrlum (b) U44763 M. hominrs (c) M24473 M pulmoms (d) M23941

(70) Referencee (10) (19) W,W

(10 00) (lo) (10) (IO) (10) (lo) (10) U1,30) (ZO) (10 (10) UO)

“‘Mycoplasma agassizii” Mycoplasma neurolyticum M. hyopneumoruae Mycoplasma sualvl Mycoplasma mobile Anaeroplasma (An.) abactoclastlcum “Phytoplasma ” sp., strain STOL Acholeplasma laidlawu

Hominis M pulmonis (d) Hommis M. neurolytlcum (e) Hommis M. neurolyticum (e) Hominis M. sualvi (f) Hommis M sualvl (f) Anaeroplasma (2) Anaeroplasma sp. (a) Anaeroplasma Phytoplasma sp (b) Anaeroplasma Acholeplasma sp. (c)

U09786 M23 944 YOO149 M23936 M24480 M25050 X76427 M23932

(30 (10) (32) (W Cl@ (101 (33) PO)

“These spectes can be selected to construct a phylogenettc tree for the first prelnnmary characterization of an unknown mycoplasma and are examples of species that may be chosen for the sequence ahgnments. Nonstandard abbreviattons used m Fig. 4 aregrvenwlthtn parentheses. Taxon namesthat havenot beenapprovedaregivenwtthm quotattonmarks 6Fivephylogenettcgroupsand15phylogenettcclusterswereongmallydefined(IO) Onenewcluster(X4synovzae)wasintroducedlater(II). The numberof phylogeneticclustersso far definedwithin eachphylogeneticgroupis given within parentheses. The designations(a-fl for the phylogenettcclustersusedin Fig. 4 aregtvenwtthm parentheses after therespecttvecluster. CIfthe 16srRNA sequences of bothrRNA operonshavebeendeposited,it isindicatedasxxx&y for the sequences from themzA andthe rmB operons,respectively.Someof the sequences can bedownloaded from RDP or from the rRNA WWW Server dReferences to the articleswherethe sequences werereportedandthephylogenettcclusterdescribed % hasrecentlybeensuggested that M putrefuczensshouldbeincludedm a newcluster(12).


Johansson, Hekftander, and Pettersson

---I Fig. 3. Sequence analysis of a segment of the V6 region of the 16s rRNA gene of M by direct automated solid-phase sequencing with the ALFexpress system. The PCR product was generated with the prtmers 593 and 390-B as second primer pair, and the primer 63 1 was used as a reverse sequencmg primer, which explains the reverse numbermg order in this figure. Note the polymorphisms in positions 90 (C/A) and 42 (G/A), correspondmg to posmons 404 and 452, respectively, m the consensus sequence m Fig. 1 (19). c caprlpneumoniae

that some of the deposited sequences contam segments or positions that have not been determined. Some of the sequences also contam errors Sequence differences may occur between strains of the same species (see Note 10). The abgnment has to be performed manually, because homologous posittons have to be compared, which are not necessarily those that show the best match. The secondary structure models of mycoplasmal 16s rRNA sequences, which also can be retrieved from RDP or from the rRNA WWW Server, are useful for proper identification of nucleotides situated m stems or loops. Models for A4. c caprzcolum, A4 gailisepticum, and M. hyopneumonlae are available (34). 4. Remove posmons contammg gaps and ambtguously aligned posmons before the phylogenetic analysis. 5. Select the species to be dtsplayed m the phylogenetic tree, and choose a suitable species as the outgroup The outgroup should preferably be a species that can be assumed to branch early from the studied group. Information about thts can be obtained from other phylogenetic trees (10,ll) or by constructmg a preliminary

Universal 16s rRNA Primers phylogenettc tree wtth more species than in the final one. If the outgroup 1stoo distantly related from the species to be studied, the resolution of the tree will be low. If it is too close to the studied group, there 1s a rusk that it 1s not a true outgroup. Furthermore, the branching order is sometimes dependent on the chorce of outgroup. 6. Perform the tree constructton according to the manual m the program package for the chosen algorithm. 7. Check the stab&y and the validity of the tree by bootstrappmg the data set, and analyze the orrginal data set for sequence motifs, which support or contradict the obtained branching order. The phylogenetic tree m Fig. 4 shows the relationship between mycoplasmas of the different phylogenetic groups and clusters. However, it would have been possible to select other species as well.

4. Notes 1. Sample preparation: Mycoplasmas lack a cell wall, and they are, therefore, easy to lyse. It is m most cases posstble to use the DNA from lysed mycoplasmas as template for the first PCR without any purrficatton. However, sometimes the results can be improved by phenol extractron of the DNA Such DNA preparations can also be sent by ordinary mail to another laboratory for analysis It is also posstble to dry different kinds of samples on filter paper, send it to another laboratory, and amplify by PCR for subsequent sequencing. 2. The contaminatron problem The contaminatton problem is less pronounced when the purpose of the PCR is to sequence amphcons, where a relatively large amount of template DNA was used It 1sm general not necessary to use dedicated rooms for the different activmes. However, all precautions to prevent carryover contamination with amplicons have to be taken, if experiments are performed routinely, where the purpose 1s to sequence PCR products from a chmcal material where the amount of template DNA can be expected to be very small 3. Visualization of the first PCR product. It is sometimes difficult to visualize the PCR product in the agarose gel after the first PCR with the primer pair complementary to Ul and US This could be owing to sequence variations m the target regions for these primers. However, even if PCR products cannot be seen after the first PCR, the amount should in most cases be sufficient for the second PCR Therefore, perform the second PCR experiments even if the first amphcon cannot be visualized. However, after the second PCR, a strong band should be seen for good results of the sequencing experiments. Negative controls should always be included. The results can sometimes be Improved by using phenol-extracted DNA instead of lysed mycoplasmas in the first PCR reaction (compare also Note 1) To generate a complete 16s rRNA sequence, it is m general sufficient to produce 3 x 50 pL of the Ul to U5 amplicon and 2 x 50 pL of the U2 to U8 amphcon. 4. The importance of sequencing of both strands: The two complementary DNA strands can easily be sequenced by the solid-phase method. For generation of accurate sequence data, it 1s in fact important that both strands are sequenced. Furthermore, polymorphisms and sequence length varrations (see also Notes 5


Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson


Fig. 4. Phylogenetic tree based on 16s rRNA sequences of mycoplasmas representing all groups and clusters (IO,ZZ). Representatives of the closely related genera Clostrzdium and Eubacterlum were also included in the tree. Streptococcus (St.) pleomorphus and Eubacterlum blformans were selected as outgroups. M. c subsp capripneumomae grouped m the M mycoldes cluster The tree was constructed by nelghbor-Jolting (35) from a dtstance matrrx corrected by the one parameter nucleotlde substitution model (36) by using the programs NEIGHBOR and DNADIST, respectively

Universal 16s rRNA Primers


and 6) can easily be resolved by sequencing of both strands. Ambiguities caused by polymerase pausing, false stops, and band compression durmg the electrophoresis step can be resolved by sequencmg the other strand. We have compared data generated by conventional sequencing of the 16s rRNA genes of both rRNA operons after cloning of restriction fragments (37) with solid-phase sequencing of PCR products (19) and obtained exactly the same sequence data. This shows that solid-phase sequencing of PCR products is the preferred method, since it is much faster. 5. Polymorphisms. The genetic information for rRNA is organized in the genome into so-called rRNA operons. Bacteria can have 1-14 different rRNA operons, and mycoplasmas have been shown to have 1 or 2 and in one case 3 rRNA operons, which are designated rrnA, rrnB, and rrnC It has been shown for mycoplasmas that when they have more than one rRNA operon, there could be sequence differences (polymorphisms) between the 16s rRNA genes (IZ,12,18-21) In most cases, the PCR primers described in this work will amplify the corresponding segment of the two rRNA genes The polymorphisms are easy to identify, because they appear as double peaks in the electropherogram when a segment with polymorphisms is sequenced by an automated procedure (see Fig. 3). The areas under the two peaks m such a double peak should represent about 50% each, if the organism contams two rRNA operons and if both 16s rRNA genes are amplified with the same efficiency. The 16s rRNA sequences of many mycoplasmas with two rRNA operons have been determined, and usually there are only few (O-3) polymorphtsms (11,12,1&21). However, strains of the species M. capricolum subsp. capripneumoniae have been found to have an unusual large number (1 l-1 7) of polymorphisms (21). These polymorphisms were used as epidemiological markers and to study the evolution of the species. The sequences of the 16s rRNA genes from the mdividual operons can be determined by using an operon-specific primer set (IS), by cloning and sequencing of the individual operons (11,37), or by separation of suitable restriction fragments by agarose gel electrophoresis and amplification of the individual bands with general primers (38). 6. Sequence length variations: It has been shown that sequence length variations can occur in polyA regions between the 16s rRNA genes of the two operons from mycoplasmas. One such polyA region has been identified m M mycozdes subsp. mycoides SC (19) and another polyA region was identified in certain strains of M c capripneumoniae (21) A sequence length variation will give These programs are included m the phylogenetic program package PHYLIP. Gaps were removed from the final alignment, which comprised 1168 positions. The five phylogenetic groups are shown beside the vertical bars, indicating the phylogenetic groups. The phylogenetic clusters are indicated with letters (a-f), which are explained in Table 3. The bootstrap values are given at each node. The scale bar indicates substitutions per 100 nucleotide positions. See Table 3 for nonstandard abbreviations and cluster designations. Taxon names that have not been approved are given within quotation marks






Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson seemingly confusmg sequencing results, but if both DNA strands are analyzed, the sequence can easily be determined, since the data are difficult to interpret only downstream of the sequence length variation (19) The difficulties in sequencing the eluted DNA strand m the supernatant: It is very important that the alkaline supernatant from the denaturation of DNA unmobilized onto the magnetic beads is properly neutralized before the sequencing reactions are performed. Always use the same calibrated pipet when ahquotmg both NaOH and HCl, because even very small volume differences may result m a pH that cannot be buffered to pH 7 4. It can also be recommended to prepare large volumes of the two solutions, and use an mdicator paper to check that a mtxture of the expected volumes IS neutral When such soluttons have been prepared, aliquot them m volumes sufficient for 10 sequencing reactions and store them m the freezer until needed A frozen NaOH solution is quite stable Why is it important to identify polymorphisms? If 16s rRNA sequence data is to be used for construction of phylogenetic trees for closely related species that have more than one rRNA operon, it IS important that sequences of homologous operons be compared. Otherwise small sequence differences can affect the topology of the tree (19). Polymorphisms can also be utilized for design of detection systems based on, for instance, PCR and restriction enzyme analysts This has proven particularly useful for closely related species, like M c caprzpneumonrae (37) and M mycozdes subsp. mycoldes SC (39), both of which are members of the closely related M mycozdes cluster, and also for the two closely related species M agalactlae and Mycoplasma bows (38) Data bank sequences It is very convenient to be able to download the prealigned 16s rDNA sequences from RDP (8) or from the rRNA WWW Server (9). However, it is important to keep in mmd that these data banks are not regularly updated, and it is, therefore, necessary to check GenBank or the EMBL data bank for newly deposited relevant mycoplasmal sequences. The sequences in GenBank or EMBL can also be retrieved and manually aligned with the prealigned sequences from RDP or from the rRNA WWW Server by using the GDE program. Sequence variations between strains or species Ribosomal RNA genes are m general more conserved than protein genes, although the rRNA genes also have regions of high evolutionary variability The sequence differences between strams or isolates of a species is, therefore, small, and for most mycoplasmas, so far analyzed, on the order of O-7 nucleotide differences. However, it should be kept m mind that the species concept was invented by taxonomtsts and is somewhat artificial. It 1s not possible to give a general rule about how many nucleottde differences there should be m the 16s rRNA genes to justify the organization of two strains into different species. The variation within one species can be greater than the variabdity wtthin another species, also within the same genus. The two nucleotide differences m the 16s rRNA sequences of M gallweptlcum and Mycoplasma lmltans would normally be regarded as too small to justify the arrangement into different species (40). Thus, sequence analysts alone is not always sufficient for species designation (41), and tt would be useful to construct a molecular phylogeny based

Universal 16s t-RNA Primers


on other genes for these species An example of the opposite situation is the seven-nucleottde differences between certain strains of M. c. caprlpneumonlae (21), which would normally place these strains in at least different subspecies

References 1. Gray, M. W., Sankoff, D., and Cedergren, R J. (1984) On the evolutionary descent of organisms and organelles: a global phylogeny based on a htghly conserved structural core in small subunit ribosomal RNA. Nucleic AC& Res 12,5837-5852 2. Van de Peer, Y , Chapelle, S , and De Wachter, R (1996) A quantitative map of nucleotide substttution rates m bactertal rRNA. Nucleic AC& Res 24,338 l-339 1. 3 Olsen, G. J and Woese, C R. (I 993) Ribosomal RNA: a key to phylogeny FASEB J 7,113-123 4. Woese, C. R. (1987) Bacterial evolution, Microblol Rev 51,22 1-271 5 Taschke, C., Klmkert, M.-Q., Wolters, J., and Herrmann, R. (1986) Orgamzation of ribosomal RNA genes m Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae. the 5s rRNA is separated from the 16s and 23s rRNA genes. Mol Gen Genet 205,428-433. 6. Chen, X. and Finch, L R. (1989) Novel arrangement of rRNA genes in Mycoplasma gallisepticum* separation of the 16s gene of one set from the 23s and 5s genes J Bacterial. 171,2876-2878. 7 Nakagawa, T , Uemori, T , Asada, K., Kato, I., and Harasawa, R. (1992) Acholeplasma Ialdlawu has tRNA genes rn the 16S-23s spacer of the rRNA operon. J. Bacterial 174,8 163-8 165. 8 Maidak, B L., Olsen G J., Larsen N , Overbeek R., McCaughey M. J , and Woese C. R. (1996) The ribosomal database proJect (RDP). Nuclezc Acrds Res 24,82-85. 9. Van de Peer, Y., Jansen, J , De Ryk, P., De Wachter, R. (1997) Database on the structure of small ribosomal subunit RNA. NucEezcAcids Res. 24, 11 l-l 16 10. Weisburg, W. G., Tully, J G., Rose, D L., Petzel, J P., Oyaizu, H., Yang, D., Mandelco, L., Sechrest, J., Lawrence, T. G., van Etten, J., Maniloff, J., and Woese, C R. (1989) A phylogenetic analysis of the mycoplasmas: basis for then classification. J Bacterzol 171, 6455-6467. 11. Pettersson, B , Uhlen, M., and Johansson, K -E. (1996) Phylogeny of some mycoplasmas from ruminants based on 16s rRNA sequences and definmon of a new cluster within the hominis group. Int. J. Syst. Bacterial 46, 1093-1098. 12. Heldtander, M. U. K., Pettersson, B., Tully, J G., and Johansson, K.-E (1998) Sequences of the 16s rRNA genes and phylogeny of the goat mycoplasmas; Mycoplasma adlerr, Mycoplasma auris, Mycoplasma cottewu, and Mycoplasma yeatszi Int J. Syst Bactenol


13. Tully, J. G., Bove, J. M., Laigret, F., and Whitcomb, R. F. (1993) Revised taxonomy of the class Mollrcutes: proposed elevation of a monophyletic cluster of arthropod-associated mollicutes to ordinal rank (Entomoplasmatales ord. nov.), with provision for familial rank to separate spectes wtth nonhelical morphology (Entomoplasmataceae fam. nov.) from helical species (Spiroplasmataceae), and emended descrtptions of the order Mycoplasmatales, family Mycoplasmataceae Int. J. Syst Bactenol. 43,378-385.

Johansson, Heldtander, and Pettersson


14. Iwami, M., Muto, A., Yamao, F., and Osawa, S (1984) Nucleotide sequence of the rrnB 16s ribosomal RNA gene from Mycoplasma caprlcolum Mol. Gen Genet. 196,3 17-322.

15 Frydenberg, J. and Christiansen, C. (1985) The sequence of 16s rRNA from Mycoplasma strain PG50. DNA 4, 127-137 16. Huhman, T., Stahl, S., Hornes, E., and Uhlen, M (1989) Direct solid phase sequencmg of genomx and plasmid DNA using magnetic beads as solid support Nuclezc Acids Res 17,4937-4946

17. Hultman, T., Bergh, S , Moks, T., and Uhlen, M sequencmg of in vitro-amplified plasmid DNA. 18 Pettersson, B., Johansson, K.-E., and Uhlen, M rRNA from mycoplasmas by direct solid-phase Microbial.

(1991) Bidirectional BroTechnques



(1994) Sequence analysts of 16s DNA sequencing. Appl Envzron


19 Pettersson, B., Leitner, T., Ronaghi, M., Bolske, G., Uhlen, M , and Johansson, K.-E. (1996) Phylogeny of the Mycoplasma mycoldes cluster as determined by sequence analysis of the 16s rRNA genes from the two rRNA operons J Bacterial. 178,4131-4142. 20. Pettersson, B. (1997) Direct solid-phase 16s rDNA sequencing: a tool m bacterial phylogeny PhD thesis. Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden 21. Pettersson, B., Bolske, G , Thiaucourt, F , Uhlen, M , and Johansson, K.-E (1998) Molecular evolution of Mycoplasma caprlcolum subsp. caprlpneumonlae strams, based on polymorphisms in the 16s rRNA genes, submitted for publication. 2 la Sanger, F., Nicklen, S , and Couldson, A. R. (1977) DNA sequencmg with chamterminating inhibitiors. Proc. Nat1 Acad. Set USA 74, 5463-5467. 22 Smith, S. (1992) Genetic Data Environment (Version 2.2) Milhpore Imaging Systems, Ann Arbor, MI. 23. Program Manual for the Wisconsm Package (Version 8). Genetics Computer Group, Madison, WI. 24. Felsenstem, J. (1993) PHYLIP Phylogeny inference package (Version 3 52) University of Washington, Seattle, WA. 25. Swofford, D. L. (1991) PAUP* Phylogenetic analysis usmg parsimony (Version 3.1 1.) Illmois Natural History Survey, Champaign, IL 26. Kumar, S., Tamura, K., andNei, M. (1993) MEGA: molecular evolutionary genetic analysis (Version 1.Ol). The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 27. Felsenstem, J. (1988) Phylogemes from molecular sequences* inference and reliability. Annu. Rev. Gen 22,521-565. 28 Swofford, D. L., Olsen, G. J., Waddell, P. J., and Hillis, D. M (1996) Phylogenetic inference, in Molecular Systematxs, 2nd ed. (Hillis, D M., Moritz, C., and Mable, B. K., eds.), Smauer Associates, Sunderland, MA, pp. 407-5 14. 29. Altschul, S. F., Gish, W., Miller, W., Myers, E, W., and Lipman, D. J (1990) Basic local alignment search tool. J Mol Biol. 215,403-410. 30. Morrow, C. J. (1990) Pathogenic@, immunogemcity and strain identification of Australian isolates of M synoviue, PhD thesis, University of Melbourne, Australia.

Universal 16s rRNA Primers


3 1 Brown, D. R., Crenshaw, B. C , McLaughlin, G. S., Schumacher, I. M , McKenna, C. E., Klem, P. A., Jacobsen, E. R., and Brown, M. B. (1994) Taxonomm analysis of the tortoise mycoplasmas Mycoplasma agasstzn and Mycoplasma testudtnis by 16s rRNA gene sequence comparison. Int J Syst Bactertol 45,348-350 32 Taschke, C., Ruland, K., and Herrmann, R. (1987) Nucleotide sequence of the 16s rRNA of Mycoplasma hyopneumonzae. Nucleic Acids Res. 15,39 18. 33. Seemuller, E., Schneider, B., Maurer, R., Ahrens, U., Dane, X., Kison, H , Lorenz, K.-H , Firrao, G , Avment, L., Sears, B., and Stackebrandt, E. (1994) Phylogenetic classification of phytopathogenic molhcutes by sequence analysis of 16s ribosomal DNA. Int J Syst Bactertol 44,440-446 34 Gutell, R. R. (1994) Collection of small subunit (16S- and 16S-like) ribosomal RNA structures* 1994. Nuclex Acids Res 22, 3502-3507. 35. Saitou, N. and Nei, M (1987) The neighbor-Joining method a new method for reconstructmg phylogenetic trees. Mol. B~ol. Evol 4,40&425. 36. Jukes, T. H. and Cantor, C. R. (1969) Evolution of protein molecules, m Mammalian Protein Metabolism, ~013. (Munro, H. N., ed.), Academic Press, New York, pp 21-132. 37. Ros Bascufiana, C., Mattsson, J G , Bolske, G , and Johansson, K -E (1994) Characterization of the 16s rRNA genes from Mycoplasma sp strain F38 and development of an identification system based on PCR J Bactertol 176,2577-2586 38 Johansson, K -E , Berg, L -O., Bolske, G , Demz, S , Mattsson, J., Persson, M , and Pettersson, B. ( 1996) Specific PCR systems based on the 16s rRNA genes of Mycoplasma agalacttae and Mycoplasma bows, m COST 826 Agriculture and Btotechnology Mycoplasmas of Rumtnants* Pathogentctty, Diagnosttcs, Eptdemlology and Molecular Genetics (Frey, J. and Sarris, K , eds ), European Commission, Brussels, Belgium, pp 88-90. 39. Persson, A , Pettersson, B , Johansson, K.-E (1996) Identification ofMycoplasma mycozdes subsp. mycozdes SC type by PCR and restriction enzyme analysis with AluI IOMLett 4, 79-80 40. Boyle, J S , Bradbury, J M., and Morrow, C J (1993) Further evidence that M tmttans is closely related to M galksepttcum, unpublished 41. Bradbury, J. M., Abdul-Wahab, 0. M. S., Yavari, C. A., Dupiellet, J.-P , andBovt, J. M. (1993) Mycoplasma zmitans sp. nov. is related to Mycoplasma galltsepttcum and found m birds int J Syst Bacterial. 43,721-728

19 PCR and RFLP Methods for the Specific Detection and Identification of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC John B. Bashiruddin 1. Introduction The polymerase chain reaction (PCR), DNA hybrtdrzation, and sequence analysis have been valuable m the study of the phylogenic relationships between members of the Mycoplasma mycoides “cluster” (1). They have confirmed the very close relationships between these organisms suggested by others (2,3), and in the case of A4. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC (MmmSC), provided a rapid diagnostic test for the detectron and rdenttficatlon of this organism based on DNA amphfkation by PCR and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) between MmmSC and (MmmLC) (4). Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), which is caused by MmmSC, is a serious disease of cattle worldwide, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Recently, it has reappeared in parts of Mediterranean Europe and has persisted stubbornly in the Iberian peninsula. The biological characteristics of the causative agent, its place within the iI4 mycoides “cluster,” and some of the diagnostic tests currently available have been reviewed recently ($6). Several authors have reported the development and use of PCR for the detection of MmmSC from clinical samples of lung tissue, pleural fluid, tracheal scrapings, and nasal swabs (440). MmmSC may be detected with these testsat very low levels, of C100 organisms, which may be made more sensitive by the addition of further steps to probe mnnobihzed DNA, for the detection of the PCR product. These procedures report an increase in sensitivity to 1 CFU of mycoplasma. Other approaches to the detection of PCR products have focused on the hybridization of immobilized single-stranded DNA bound to microtiter plates to denatured amplified DNA labeled with biotin followed by rmmunoFrom Methods m Molecular B/ology, Vol 104 Mycoplasma Protocols E&ted by R J Miles and R A J Nicholas Q Humana Press Inc , Totowa,





logical detection of the hybrid. The numerous variations of oligonucleotidebased detection systems have been described, and offer more rapid and costeffective product detection than the traditional gel-based systems (see Note 1). PCR is useful for the rapid clarification of suspicious clinical situations where persistent posittve serological tests have made the search for the causative agent in the lung necessary (11). In these cases,postmortem clinical material, such as necrotic lung tissue, lymph nodes, tracheal srcapings, and pleural fluid, may be taken for PCR and bacteriological culture. DNA extracted from tissues as well as mycoplasma isolates may be used for PCR to verify the presence or absence of Mm&C. Confirmation of suspicious lung pathology in the course of abatton surveillance may also be done by this method. The testing of nasal swabs by PCR has also been described, which may be applicable to the screening of large numbers of samples important in the control and surveillance of CBPP (412). The PCR technique with modified primers coupled to a detection method that specifically captures amplified double-stranded DNA in microtiter plates is described here (13). Since it is based on 96-well microtiter plate technology, it offers a major advantage in research involvmg large sample numbers. The procedure described covers specimen collection, sample preparation, DNA amplification by PCR, calorimetric detection of PCR product, and specific identification of A4mmSCby restriction enzyme digestion of PCR product. A routine diagnostic procedure with PCR as its core technique, by its very nature, is susceptible to contammation with amplified DNA. To be sure that a positive result is possible only from specimen-derived template DNA, several precautions are necessary. The first is the structural location of the diagnostic facility, which must separate “clean” pre-PCR areas from “dirty” post-PCR areas. The second is the flow of reagents and personnel through the facility. The third is the flow of air through the facility, with respect to the fact that aerosols are a common source of contamination. Generally, three dedicated areas are required in which PCR reaction mixes, sample preparation, and product analysis are handled exclusively (see Note 2.) Therefore preplannmg to accommodate these ideas is essential. The description that follows assumesthat adequate consideration has been given to the estabhshment of a PCR laboratory. 2. Materials 2.1. Specimen Collection 2.1.1. Lung, Lymph Node Tissue and Tracheal Scrapings 1 Accessto postmortemtissue. 2. Protective clothing, e.g., overalls mcludmg footwear. 3. Gloves.


PC/? and RFLP Methods 4. Sterile disposable scalpel blades. 5. Receptacles for tissue samples. 6. Specimen tubes with 3 mL of mycoplasma transport media.

2.1.2. Nasal Swabs 1, 2. 3. 4. 5.

Access to infected restrained animals preferably in a crush. Protecttve clothmg, e.g., overalls including footwear Gloves Sterile rayon swabs on plastic sticks Specimen tubes with 3 mL of mycoplasma transport media.

2.2. Sample Preparation 2.2.7. DNA Extraction from Tissues 1. 2. 3. 4 5 6. 7. 8. 9 10. 11 12. 13. 14

Lung or lymph node tissue: Trachael scrapmgs may also be used. Eppendorf microtubes and tissue homogenizer. TNE buffer: O.OlMTris-HCl, pH 8.O,O.OlMNaCl, O.OlMEDTA 10% SDS: (w/v) m water Sarcosine: 10% (w/v) in water. Proteinase K: 20 mg/mL in water Phenol saturated with 0.2M Tris-HCl, pH 7 2. Phenol:chloroform:isoamyl alcohol, 25:24.1. Sodium acetate: 3.OM m water Heating block at 56°C 100% ethanol at -20°C Bench centrifugatton capable of 14,OOOg for Eppendorf tubes. 80% Ethanol at -2O’C PCR-grade water

2.2.2. Specimen Preparation from Cultures 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Inoculated culture medium or well-separated colonies on agar. Bench centnfugatron capable of 14,000g for Eppendorf microtubes. PBS (Life Technologies, Renfrewshire, Scotland). PCR-grade water. Heating block at 100°C.

2.3. DNA Amplification

by PCR

1. Thermal cycler (Perkin-Elmer, Norwalk, CT, 480, or 9600 for 96-well format compatibility). 2. Oligonucleotides (see Note 3): 450B 5’-Biotm-GTATTTTCCTTTCTAATTTG 451+ 5’-GGATGACTCATTTAATAAATCAAATTAATAAGTGTG Adjust each primer concentration to 50 pmoI/& 3. dNTPs (Perkin-Elmer)


170 4. Taq polymerase, 10X reaction buffer, 25 mA4 MgCl, (AmpliTaq merase 1OX PCR buffer II, Perkm-Elmer).

2.4. Calorimetric 1 2. 3 4. 5. 6.

DNA poly-


@euroTRAP kit (AMRAD, Australia) (see Note 4). Prepare all reagents supplied as stocks according to the manufacturer’s instructions Stop solution (0 5M sulfuric acid). An 8- or 12-channel multlpipet (not essential) Suitable 96-well microtiter plate or strip washer (not essential). Suitable 96-well mlcrotiter plate reader capable of a 450-nm wavelength.

2.5. Agarose

Gel Electrophoresis

1. DNA-grade agarose for 1% gels (Boehrmger Mannhelm, Germany) and 2% gels SDF agarose (Amersham, Buckmghamshlre, UK) 2. TAE, DNA typing grade, 50X stock (Life Technologies) 3 Ethldium bromide, 10 mg/mL, (Life Technologies) 4 Gel loading dye (Sigma, St Louis, MO). 5 DNA size markers, Amphslze (Blo-Rad, Milan, Italy) 6. Submarine DNA electrophoresls tank, gel tray, and comb. 7. Power supply 8. UV transillummator. 9. Gel documentation equipment

2.6. Restriction

Enzyme Digestion

1 DNA; PCR product. 2. Restriction enzyme Asnl (Boehringer Mannhelm, Madison, WI) and matching buffers 3 Heating block at 37°C

Germany) or Vspl (Promega,

3. Method 3.1. Specimen Collection 3. I. I. Lung and Lymph Node Tissue 1. Wear protective clothing and gloves during sample collection, and change gloves between specimens. Be sure to discard protective wear before leaving the site 2. With a fresh sterile scalpel, excise about 1 g of lung or lymph node tissue selected from an area at the border of a typical lesion or a necrotic area of the lung, and/or the interior of a lymph node (see Note 5) 3. Place the tissue mto a sterile container, and transport to the laboratory at 4°C within 24 h. Tissue may also be transported in mycoplasma transport medium.

3.7 2. Tracheal Scrapings 1 Wear protective clothing and gloves during sample collection, and change gloves between specimens.

PCR and RFLP Methods


2 Make a longitudmal slit along the trachea and expose the lumen. 3. Scrape the mucosal layer with a fresh scalpel, and transfer the scrapings mto a tube with 3 mL of mycoplasma transport media. 4. Transport to the laboratory may be at ambient temperature, but the time should not exceed 24 h.

3.1.2. Nasal Swabs 1 Wear protective clothing and gloves during sample collection, and change gloves between specimens if necessary 2. Make sure that the animal IS held firmly m the crush 3 Take a fresh rayon swab, and swab the nasal passage of the animal with a quick, firm motion. Be short and precise m this action, since this causes the animal some distress. Dislodge the collected mucus into a tube with 3 mL of mycoplasma transport media with a twirling motion of the swab, and squeeze the swab against the side of the tube 4. Discard the swab 5. Transport to the laboratory may be at ambient temperature, but the time should not exceed 24 h

3.2. Sample Preparation 3.2.7. DNA Extraction from Tissues 1. Select 1 g of tissue from an area at the border of a typical lesion or a necrotic area of the lung, and/or the Interior of a lymph node. 2. Homogenize the tissue m 1 mL of transport medium. 3. To 200 pL of the suspension, add 100 pL of TNE, 10 & of 10% N-lauroylsarcosme, and 10 & of 10 mg/mL proteinase K. 4. Incubate the mixture at 56’C for 15 mm and then 37OC for 45 min 5. Extract the DNA from the lysate with equal volumes of phenol, followed by phenol.chloroform:lsoamyl alcohol. 6 Precipitate the DNA from the aqueous phase with 3M sodium acetate and ethanol. 7. Pellet the DNA by centrifugation at 14,000g for 10 min, and wash the pellet m 80% ethanol. 8. Resuspend the DNA thoroughly in 20 pL of PCR-grade water, and prepare a 1.50 dilution with PCR-grade water. 9. Use 1 pL of each neat and 1.50 dllutlon m PCR-grade water as template for PCR

3.2.2. Specimen Preparation from Cultures 1. Centrifuge 200 pL of culture medium inoculated at 14,000g for 10 mm. Medium inoculated with tracheal scrapings as well as nasal swabs may be used (see Note 6) 2. Wash the pellet in 200 pI. of PBS. 3 If there are colonies on agar plates, pick one well-separated colony from the agar surface avoidmg the agar, and resuspend the organisms in 200 pL of PBS.



Table 1 Preparation of PCR Master Mix No. of tests dHzO RBX 10 25mMMgC1, dNTP 1.25 rnA4 Primer 450B Primer 45 1+ Tuq polymerase









30.5 5 3 8 1 1 0.5

91 5 15 9 24 3 3 1.5

152.5 25 15 40 5 5 2.5

305 50 30 80 10 10 5

457 5 75 45 120 15 15 7.5

610 100 60 160 20 20 10

915 150 90 240 30 30 15

1525 250 150 400 50 50 25

4. Collect the orgamsms m 200 pL PBS, and resuspend the pellet m 50 pL of PCRgrade water. 5. Heat the suspension to 100°C for 7 mm, and immediately chill on ice Just before use. 6. Use 1 & as template for PCR.

3.3. DNA Amplification

by PCR

1. Prepare the “master mix” for the number of tests required (in the clean room) in the order that they appear m Table 1. If more tubes are required, make convenient multiples of any tube 2. Ahquot 49 pL of master mix mto each reaction tube. These may be stored at 4’C for up to 1 wk and at -20°C for up to 1 mo. With the addition of 1 pL of template, this results in 50 @ of reaction mix of 10 mM Tris-HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 1.5 mMMgCl*, 0.001% (w/v) gelatin, 200 @4each dATP, dGTP, dTTP, dCTP, 50 pmol of each primer, and 1.5 U of Tuq polymerase. 3. Take the number of tubes needed for that particular run into the sample preparation room. 4. Add 1 pL of the desired sample mto each tube. Include batch positives and batch negatives with each plate as indicated in Fig. 1 (for Perkin-Elmer 480 machines, use a drop of mineral oil m each reaction tube) (see Note 7) 5. Program the thermal cycler to perform the following steps: 94°C for 5 min followed by 30 cycles each of 94°C for 30 s, 50°C for 30 s, 72’C for 30 s (or by 30 cycles each of 94°C for 30 s, 50°C for 30 s, 72°C for 30 s) with a final extension step of 72°C for 5 min (see Note 8).

3.4. Calorimetric Detection The pleuroTRAP assay is designed to distinguish between amplified target DNA and unamplified DNA. It is therefore critical that the user of this assay ensures that a standard, optimal PCR regime is established prior to commencing a large-scale program. Optimization of the PCR format should be evaluated using agarose gel electrophoresis. The assay, once started, should be performed to completion without interruption.

PCR and RFLP Methods

Fig 1. Layout of pleuroTRAP



1 Bring all of the reagents except streptavidin-peroxtdase conjugate to room temperature. 2. Prepare 1X wash buffer, 1X buffer, and conjugate according to procedures detailed m the section “Preparation of Reagents” (see Note 4). 3. Assemble required number of strips in the plate holder 4. Add 100 pL of 1X buffer solution to each well, and incubate for 15 min at room temperature. Aspirate solution from coated plate, and blot the mverted plate by tapping firmly, on absorbent paper towel (see Note 9) 5 Add sample diluent followed by DNA sample to wells to a final volume of 50 p.L followed m-mediately by 50 pL 2X buffer (as supplied). Avoid the introduction of mineral oil into the wells by wiping the outside of the tube with a piece of tissue. Add the batch-positive control and batch-negative control to the wells as indicated m Fig. 1, followed immediately by 50 pL 2X buffer (as supplied) (see Note 10). To quality control the assay, use 50 pL of positive plate control and negative plate control, as indicated in Fig. 1. Then add 50 uL 2X buffer Incubate for 30 mm at room temperature (see Note 11). 6. Aspirate sample from plate and wash four to six times using 1X wash buffer (approx 250 pL/well/wash). After the last wash, thoroughly blot the inverted plate by tapping firmly on absorbent paper towels (see Note 12). 7. Add 100 pL of diluted conjugate to each well. Incubate for 30 mm at room temperature (see Note 13). 8. Prepare substrate prior to the completion of this incubation as detailed m the section “Preparation of Reagents” (see Notes 4 and 14). 9. Aspirate conjugate from plate, and wash four to six times using 1X wash buffer (approx 250 pL/well/wash). After the last wash, thoroughly blot the inverted plate by firmly tapping on absorbent paper towel (see Note 12). 10. Add 100 I.~Lof diluted substrate to each well. Incubate in the dark for 15 min at room temperature.

174 11. Add 100 pL of 0.5M H,SO, to terminate the enzymattc reaction. 12 Read absorbance on a mtcrottter plate reader within 30 min after adding the stop solutton using the 450-nm filter with 620~nm filter as the reference, or visually interpret results wtthin 30 min of adding the Stop Solution. 13 Determine results either by use of a spectrophotometnc plate reader or visually, followmg the optlmtzatton of the PCR regimen and selection of batch control samples 14 Express results obtamed wtth a plate reader either as a positive to negative ratio, or as absolute absorbance values Under normal condittons, the @euroTRAP assay gives postttve to negative ratto values of 10.1-50: 1. When results are expressed as absolute values, the values obtained for samples should be compared with the absolute values of the batch control samples 15. Interpret results visually by Judging samples that give reactton colors close to the batch-positive control color as positive and ludgmg samples that gave a color close to the batch-negattve control as negative It IS recommended that any reaction colors that are not clearly defined as positive or negative are either retested using increased sample DNA volumes or tested using another contirmatton method (see Note 15)

3.5. Agarose

Gel Electrophoresis

PCR products may be detected by electrophoresls agarose 1s necessary to resolve the DNA fragments enzyme digestion of PCR products (see Note 16)

in 1% agarose, but 3% produced by restriction

1. Assemble a clean gel tray and the appropriate size comb to contam the agarose gel on a flat, even surface. 2. To prepare a 1% minigel of (7 x 7 cm) measure 40 mL of 1X TAE mto a IOO-mL beaker, and add 0 4 g of agarose. For a 3% gel, add 1 2 g of agarose to 40 mL of 1X TAE (see Note 17) 3 Heat the mixture to boiling pomt, and melt the agarose to a homogenous solutton. A mtcrowave oven 1sthe most convenient device for this purpose. Typically, gels may be prepared m 2 mm. However, a hot plate at 100°C or a botlmg water bath may also be used. 4. Hold the mixture at room temperature for about 1 mm until it stops to steam, and add 1 pL of ethtdmm bromide mto the hqutd. 5 Avoiding bubbles, swirl to mrx the ethidium bromide mto the molten gel, and cool the mixture at room temperature until tt can be held. 6. Pour the gel into the tray avoiding bubbles. Remove any accidental bubbles to the side of the apparatus with a disposable pipet ttp, and allow 20 mm for the solution to gel. 7. During this time, prepare the PCR products to be analyzed by addmg 5 & of each reaction to 1 pL of gel loading dye into sterile microtubes Avoid the introduction of mineral oil mto the tubes by wiping the outside of the tube with a piece of ttssue. At the same time, prepare the DNA size markers by adding 5 pL of the thawed marker solutton to 1 pL of gel loading dye. If necessary, collect the liquid m the bottom of the tube by centrtfugatton.

PCR and RFLP Methods


8. Remove the comb and any material used to seal the stdes, and place the gel mto the tank with 1X TAE. Additional 1X TAE may be added as required to ensure that the gel IS just submerged. 9. Load all of the 6 pL of the samples into the wells avoiding well-to-well spillover. 10. Replace the tank cover, attach the plugs to the power supply, and apply voltage at 100 V for 1 min to drive the DNA into the gel. Reduce the voltage to 80 V, and continue electrophoresis for about 30 min or until the dye reaches 2 cm from the bottom of the tray. 11. Turn off the power, and disconnect the gel apparatus from the power supply, remove the gel tray to the transillummator, and view the fluorescent DNA bands with UV radiation. A permanent record of the result may be documented by Poloroid photographic of electronic imagmg systems 12 Dispose of the gel containing ethidium bromide appropriately for eventual decontamination by incineration.

3.6. Restriction

Enzyme Digesfion

Restrrctron enzymes Asnl or Vspl are used for the differentiation of the product of MmmSC from that of MmmLC and M. mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc). 1 To clean microtubes, add 3 pL of PCR-grade water, 5 & of positive PCR product, 1 pL of restriction enzyme buffer, and 1 p.L of restriction enzyme. 2 Centrtfuge the reactants to the bottom of the tube, and incubate the mixture for 1 hat 37°C. 3. Add 1 pL of gel loading dye to the tubes just before analysis of the products by electrophoresis in a 3% agarose gel as described in Subheading 3.5. 4 MmmSC produces two restriction products of about 380 and 180 bp, whereas MmmLC and Mmc produce three bands of about 230, 180, and 150 bp.

4. Notes 1 Post-PCR DNA analysis with anion-exchange, high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) has been shown to be useful and suitable for automation (14) Immunological methods for the detection of PCR products with biotmstreptavidin conjugates and probe capture of PCR product have also been described (15). 2. False-positive results from the contamination of the reaction mix with DNA products from previous positive reactions is a most serious risk connected with the use of PCR for the analysis of large numbers of samples. Methods have been described that destroy the PCR product with UV or enzymatically prior to PCR, but precautions, which include the structure of the laboratory, correct sample, and product handling procedures, must be installed and mamtained to produce consistent and useful results (16). 3. The oligonucleotide primers required for this test are supplied in thepfeuroTRAP ktt.



4. Refer topEeuroTRAP kit instructions (Cat No 9001240) available from AMRAD Operations Pty. Ltd., 34 Wadhurst Drive, Boroma Vie 3 155, Australia E-mall. amradpb2@ozemall 5. The sensitivity of PCR is such that consecuttve positive results are likely tf the same blade is used to incise the positive tissue, and then for subsequent tissues and animals. Smce it is the common practice of vetermary personnel and meat inspectors to use the same kmfe for all animals, care must be taken to sample from fresh areas of tissue or to sample the animals first for PCR. Since the same personnel are often responsible for sample taking, ttme must be taken for the education and m the trammg of these people to provide adequate samples for PCR. In the field, if there 1s any doubt of crosscontammation, take the appropriate precautions, e.g., change gloves, tubes, and so forth. In the laboratory, follow the same rule. 6. Samples mcubated for 24 h are adequate for PCR. Samples incubated for a longer period without prior filtration may be overgrown with other mycoplasmas or bacteria inhibttmg the growth of the relevant mycoplasma. Filtered cultures in which mycoplasmas are suspected make excellent samples for PCR. 7 The batch-positive and batch-negative controls should be known positive and known negative samples, which when tested under the same conditions and at the same time as the batch of test samples give positive and negative results, respectively. The pZeuroTRAP kit has double-stranded DNA from MmmSC to use as a posmve PCR control 8. Amplitaq Gold is recommended; the thermal cycling conditions should be altered to 94OC for 7 min followed by 30 cycles each of 94’C for 30 s and 72‘C for 30 s wtth a final extension step of 72’C for 5 min. 9 At no time should 2X buffer be added to the coated plate prtor to addttton of the PCR sample. 10. One to 50 & of the PCR sample can be used per well. The sample must be added to sample diluent to give a final volume of 50 pL Dilution of samples can be performed in the coated plate. It is important that the sample dduent 1sadded to the wells first, followed by the PCR sample and then the 2X buffer The 2X buffe is added to the diluted PCR sample prior to transfer to the coated plate. Alternatively, sample preparatton can be conducted in a separate blank mtcrotiter plate. The pleuroTRAP assay normally gives excellent dtscnmmation between positive and negative results with 5 pL of the PCR sample 11. The positive plate control and a negative plate control included are utilized to determine the kit’s integrity. Under normal operating conditions, the positive plate control and the negative plate control should have absorbance values of 2 0.500 and 106 CCU/rnL (4). 2. Centrifuge at lO,OOOg, at 4°C for 30 min. Wash the pellet twice with cold PBS, and resuspend the bacterta in the lysis solution. 3 Incubate the suspension at 60°C for 15 min, and allow the mixture to cool to room temperature. 4. Extract the lysate with 1 vol of phenol/chloroform/isoamyl solution, and precipitate the DNA from the aqueous phase by adding 2.5 vol of absolute ethanol.

5. Centrifuge the preclpltate DNA at 10,OOOgfor 30 mm at 4°C prior to washing with 70% cold ethanol 6. Dry the DNA pellet (e.g., use a Speed Vat), and resuspend m 100 pL of TE buffer. Determine the DNA concentration at ODz6s.

3.2. Assessment of Arbitrarily Chosen Primers Sets 1. Perform PCR using a standard buffer and the mycoplasma DNA of interest. The

following cycling conditionsareconsideredapplicablein mostRAPDprotocols:(a)


Rawadi Ml

1 2

3 4





Fig. 1. Optimization of AP-PCR amplification conditions: effect of DNA concentration on fingerprint. AP-PCR amplification was performed using the standard PCR buffer and primers at 1.6 p.U. Different amounts of genomic DNA prepared from M. capricolum subsp. capricolum were added to the reactions: (1) 100 ng, (2) 500 ng, (3) 10 ng, (4) 1 pg, (5) 1.5 pg, (6) 2 pg, and (7) no DNA. Ml and M2 molecular weights were, respectively, LBstEII and 4X174-HaeIII. 5 cycles as follow: 94OC for 30 s, 37OC for 45 s, and 72’C for 1.5 min; (b) 30 cycles as follow: 94OC for 30 s, 50°C for 45 s, and 72OC for 1.5 min. 2. Run 1O-20 pL of the amplification products through 1% agarose gel to reveal the presence of a DNA pattern by ethidium bromide staining. If one (or more than one) of the tested primer sets (see Notes 1 and 2) demonstrates amplification during the test, continue as in Subheading 3.3. Where primers do not initiate amplification, test other primers.

3.3. Optimization

of Amplification


1. To optimize the template and the primer concentrations (see Note 3), perform an AP-PCR amplification using a standard PCR buffer and the same cycling conditions as above. Vary the DNA concentration from 1 ng to 1 pg, and the primer concentration from l-3.5 mM. 2. Analyze an aliquot of 10-20 pL of the amplification products by gel electrophoresis and ethidium bromide staining. 3. Compare the amplification patterns obtained in these conditions, which will determine the optimum concentration. Figure 1 illustrates an example of the effect of DNA amount on the genomic fingerprint obtained by AP-PCR. 4. Establish the reproducibility in at least three independent experiments once optimum concentrations are defined (see Note 4).

RA PD Fingerprinting


5 Determine the most appropriate PCR buffer by varying MgCI, concentration, and the pH range at the optimum concentrations of DNA and primers 6 Establish the reproduclbihty of the final buffer selected (see Note 5).

3.4. DNA Fingerprint


1. See Note 6 and 7.

3.5. AP-PCR Protocol

for M. mycoides Characterization Based on genomic homologies and biochemical assays, the A4 mycozdes cluster comprises six mycoplasma species that are closely related. AP-PCR fingerprinting was developed and applied to differentiate each species wlthin this cluster (see Note 8). AP-PCR is performed in 50 $ of reaction. 1. Prepare genomic DNA from each of the mycoplasma species included m the M. mycoides cluster. 2. Use arbitrary primers for M. mycoides AP-PCR fingerprinting. 3. Prepare the following AP-PCR mixture in thin-wall tubes (optlmlzed for this particular application as described above). 50 mMKC1, 10 mMTrl.s-HCl, pH 8.5, 2 5 mMMgCl*, 200 pA4 of each of dNTP, 2 wof each of the pnmers, and 175 U of AmpliTaq DNA polymerase (for 50 pL reaction). 4. Add 300 ng of mycoplasma DNA to each reaction, and overlay the mix with 50 pL of sterile mineral oil. 5 Transfer the tube to the thermal cycler, and run the following program: a. 5 cycles as follow: 94°C for 30 s, 37°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 1.5 min, b 30 cycles as follow: 94°C for 30 s, 50°C for 45 s, and 72°C for 1.5 mm; c. 1 extension cycle at 72°C for 10 min. 6. Run 20 pL of the reaction on the 2 5% metaphor agarose gel in TAE (100 V, for 1.30 h). Stain with ethidlum bromide, and wash with distilled water. Examine bands on the UV transluminator (see Note 9). 4.


1. Primers for RAPD fingerprinting are available from commercial vendors of molecular biology reagents However, ohgonucleotides can be randomly designed or arbitrarily chosen from primers available m the laboratory. It IS worth noting that not all prtmers are able to generate DNA patterns from a genomic template Therefore, different primers should be assessed for their ability to initiate RAPD amplification. In addition, the length of the primers may also affect the number of amplified fragments in the fingerprint. Long primers (more than 10 mers) are generally used for more complex fingerprints 2. The Tuq polymerase selected with a given primer set also affects the complexity of the DNA fingerprint Thus, these two parameters (i.e , length of the primers and thermostable DNA polymerase) should be considered carefully when deslgning an RAPD protocol When using Taq DNA polymerase, such as AmpliTaq (Perkin Elmer), 20-mer primers are recommended, although with the Stoffel frag-







Rawadi ment, a lo-mer primer, IS preferred The high A/T percentage of mycoplasmas genome (up to 80% A/T) is not important when destgning primers for their characterization by RAPD, since primers that have been described for mycoplasmas DNA fingerprinting so far are surprtsmgly rich m G/C. The reproducibility of RAPD flngerprintmg is highly dependent on the amplitication condittons Therefore, all parameters that may affect the DNA pattern should be optimized, including template and primer concentrations, PCR buffer mixture (MgCI, concentration and pH), and thermostable DNA polymerase In cases where the genomtc fingerprmt lack reproducibility under opttmtzed APPCR conditions, the purity of the stock DNA or the newly prepared one should be suspected. To overcome this problem, the DNA should be subjected to a midiprep Quiagen column as follows: wash the column twice with 5 mL of Quiagen QC buffer, elute the DNA with 5 mL of Quiagen QF buffer, and precipitate by adding 0.7 vol of isopropanol, centrifuge, wash with 70% cold ethanol, an-dry the DNA pellet, and resuspend m 100 pL of TE. In order gain a clear understanding of the identity of the DNA fragments generated by AP-PCR, these fragments can be easily cloned by mean of TA-cloning technique. Sequencing and sequence analysis will provide the expected mformation As a result, new coding regions can be identified and used to probe and Isolate the corresponding complete genes. Moreover, these cloned fragments can also be used to establish specific probes for DNA hybridization purposes. For any new batch of DNA polymerase, all conditions should be reoptimized Even under optimized condittons, it is worth noting that DNA fingerprmts vary as a result of the thermal cycler used. In fact, thermal cyclers based on a distmct heating and cooling process (e.g., Peltier-effect) are available commercially In order to generate a reproducible result using other protocols, tt is highly recommended to use the same type of thermal cycler. DNA fingerprints obtained by RAPD or AP-PCR amphfication represent the spectfic signature for genomic DNAs of a group of mdividuals and/or of each individual within the same group Fmgerprmts have two types of DNA bands: those present m all mdividuals of the same group and known as monomorphic, and those present only m some mdivtduals or showing a distinct mobility, which are known as polymorphic. As a result, DNA fingerprint analysts 1s cructal for dtstmgulshing between these bands, particularly the polymorphic ones. Gel electrophoresis and ethidmm bromide stammg are widely used to analyze PCR products. However, classic agarose gel electrophoresis is usually not capable of distmguishmg tmy variations m band sizes (

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